The newest cutscene for Destiny 2 reveals something even die-hard fans weren’t expecting – a brief but tense face-off between Osiris and Rasputin. The clip shows the esteemed warlock Osiris (a primary instigator of the latest Season of Dawn league) stepping into the heart of the AI warmind Rasputin, armed with a gun and grave warning.

Long-term Destiny 2 players will recall that Rasputin appears to be currently housed in a massive Bray installation on Mars. It seems that something Osiris saw in Mercury’s Infinite Forest – which has the ability to explore infinite timelines and create lots of minibosses – drove him off Mercury for the first time in many years to have a direct confrontation with the AI. After being decimated by the attack of the Darkness that ended earth’s Golden Age, Rasputin pulled back his defenses to hibernate. Then, in the expansion Warmind, which released in 2018, Destiny 2 players found Rasputin’s headquarters and ultimately defended him. Afterward, however, Rasputin declared his independence from all the Destiny 2 Guardians and their interests, leaving his full intent uncertain.

Interested players can watch the teaser themselves below courtesy Kimber Prime’s YouTube channel, but they may walk away with more questions than answers. So, what does it all mean? Well, it’s likely the cutscene will be directly connected to the latest Destiny quest coming at the end of February, called “Empyrean Foundation” according the past data mining. This is likely to connect to the return of the Trials of Osiris, the highly competitive game mode for only the most determined PVP players. However, the cutscene should also play into the larger story of the upcoming Destiny season, possibly called Season of the Worthy.

The clip makes it clear that Osiris is familiar with the ancient warmind, introducing himself with a terse, “It’s been a while, old man.” However, as the cutscene goes on it becomes clear that Osiris has little trust in Rasputin, saying, “I see a thug, a murderer, betrayer.” It’s an ultimatum for the war Osiris sees coming, with “Light on one side, dark on the other.” The final scene in the clip is Rasputin’s telltale Cyrillic warbling as he closes his mainframe door behind Osiris. As lore fans on ChrissyGx’s Reddit thread were quick to point out, Osiris appears to foresee a victory for the pyramids in the upcoming confrontation, and he may believe Rasputin is part of that defeat – or potentially part of reversing it.

What all this has to do with Rasputin specifically is less certain, but it’s heartening to see the many stray threads of Destiny’s story starting to weave together. Osiris is becoming more of a central player after his disappointing DLC, and it looks like the pyramid avatars of the Darkness finally revealed in the Shadowkeep expansion will be forcing everyone in the galaxy to make a choice. Rasputin’s status as an enemy or reluctant ally is remains unclear, which is sure to have Destiny 2 players excited for more details in the upcoming season.

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Source: YouTube, ChrissyGx/Reddit