To say that Pokémon Detective Pikachu was an unexpected success would be to put it right, as it turned out to be the most critically successful film based on a gaming series. Most fans, though, know the series best from the anime.

There have been hundreds, if not thousands of Pokémon seen on the anime series in the last two decades, and we think there are many more Pokémon that deserve their own spin-off movies like Pikachu did. We’ve also come up with some scenarios these Pokémon could be seen in to justify a plot around them, while also listing some Pokémon who we really don’t want a movie centered around.

Don’t Want: Mr. Mime

There’s something very unsettling about this Pokémon, mainly the fact that it looks alarmingly like a human. For this reason, Mr. Mime is generally considered as one of the scarier-looking Pokémon out there, and we’ll have to agree.

Another thing that can’t be overlooked is how Mr. Mine is a one-note Pokémon, in that all it does is keep making weird signs that is always played for laughs in a small skit. A film centered around Mr. Mime would be far too much work to present it appealingly; efforts which can go toward a better Pokémon.

Want: Bulbasaur

Those who were children when the original anime series debuted will no doubt have a soft spot for Bulbasaur, as this was one of Ash Ketchum’s original Pokémon. Having Bulbasaur as the center of a Pokémon film will inevitably lead to a jungle-type backdrop.

This would be a good turn in the series, seeing as Detective Pikachu was firmly placed in a city environment, so heading into the wilderness will give way to new Pokémon and place Bulbasaur well as the protagonist. Ash’s Bulbasaur also had a mischievous personality; an attitude like this would work wonders when pitting it against other Pokémon.

Don’t Want: Togepi

Sure, Togepi is cute and all, but that’s basically all there is to it for this Pokémon. Even in the anime Togepi’s sole role had been to establish that Misty had a softer disposition under her otherwise fiery character.

There’s a bit of a mystical lineage where Togepi comes from, although that won’t work well in live-action since an entire history will need to be fleshed out. On top of that, it would require Togepi to have some characterization, which it simply doesn’t.

Want: Squirtle

Along the same lines as Bulbasaur, Squirtle was one of the golden trio of Pokémon whom fans absolutely adored, which also included Pikachu. The most appealing part about Squirtle is the prospect of seeing a Squirtle gang the way we did in the anime.

If the same formula is used in live-action, then we might not even need a human cast at all as Squirtle and its friends can be the story’s focus. Another option would be to have a singular human protagonist engaging with the Squirtle gang in a caper of a plot. There’s a lot of room with this Pokémon, which is bolstered by how cute it is too.

Don’t Want: Piplup

If there indeed comes a point where a water-type Pokémon can be chosen for a film, would it really be Piplup that gets selected? We’ve already discussed at length of Squitle’s potential, and Piplup just doesn’t have the same popularity to justify a film.

What it does have in its favor is the instant likability factor, as you’ll be hard pressed to find a Pokémon more adorable than Piplup, but it’s also a lot like Togepi in that cuteness is pretty much all there is to it with this Pokémon.

Want: Charmander

Charmander was in the same league as Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Pikachu, only lagging a bit behind them because of the storyline it had with Ash. However, it is that exact story that intrigues us. For those unaware, Charmander had been abused by its owner enough for it to have severe emotional trauma.

It got better once Ash gave Charmander the love it deserved, and we’re looking into a similar potential plot for a Charmander spin-off. Detective Pikachu did a good job in presenting a mature story about a father and son; with Charmander, we could have something along the same lines with master and Pokémon. Plus, who doesn’t love a cute fire-type Pokémon?

Don’t Want: Charizard

On the other hand, we’re really not too thrilled about the possibility of a Charizard movie, as this Pokémon is too erratic to have a film centered around it. Charizards are generally very aggressive creatures, training whom is a big challenge, and a film based around this doesn’t sound like fun.

Rather than have a film centered around Charizard, it can be used better as a supporting character, or even a villainous character. The fanbase for Pokémon films prefer smaller Pokémon to take after, and Charizard far too huge to fit that look.

Want: Celebi

The easiest route for Pokémon to delve into fantasy territory would be by bringing in Celebi, who has the power to travel through time. Not only does Celebi also fit the mold for a Pokémon that can be marketed toward younger fans, it also brings many storyline possibilities.

Detective Pikachu had shown the protagonist having been abandoned by his mother; through Celebi, there can be a plot about finding this lost mother once more in the past. Bringing time travel as a framing device is usually difficult, but with Celebi Pokémon can easily expand its universe.

Don’t Want: Butterfree

This Pokémon is fondly remembered by fans for its heartfelt farewell with Ash as one of the most impactful scenes in the anime history. On its own Butterfree was an interesting creature due to its life cycle being the same as a butterfly, so we got to see it evolve from different levels.

However, bug-type Pokémon just don’t have much of a selling point attached to them. Since Butterfree is too small to carry the protagonist around with it while it flies, and is too big to fit in any situation like Pikachi does, it doesn’t have the proper physiology to warrant a spin-off.

Want: Meowth

The film wouldn’t even have to make much of an effort to be engaging if Meowth becomes the central focus, since all the developers would need to do would be to derive material from the Meowth in the anime. The only problem is making it too much like a human like the case was with Sonic.

Meowth’s signature sarcasm and take-charge attitude would make for a superb film where the character transitions from a villain into a hero. We’re not saying we want the exact same character from the anime, but a new one with the same positive traits would be welcome. That, coupled with Ryan Reynolds’ comedic charm would make this film an absolutely hilarious one.