Although Detroit: Become Human initially released in 2018 as a PlayStation 4 exclusive, the game is now available for PC via the Epic Games Store. In Detroit: Become Human, players take on the role of three different androids and follow their stories as they gain sentience and attempt to navigate a world of humans that doesn’t recognize them as equals.

The beauty of Detroit: Become Human’s gameplay is that every decision the player makes in the game has consequences and affects each character’s story. That means that each character’s story evolves with the game, ultimately affecting its ending. Detroit: Become Human has over 40 possible endings, some of which are seen “better” than others. Will the androids ultimately earn the right to their freedom? Or will they end up decommissioned and scavenged for parts? Will they live or will they die?

The outcomes of the game are as varied as the choices players must make. Some are more positive than others, so here’s a break down of the “good,” the “bad” and some of the other endings, based on where the player wants the game, and its characters, to go. Before players read this, though, it’s highly recommended to play through the game without any knowledge of how each decision affects the story because that is, ultimately, what Quantic Dream’s title is all about. Also, please note that the following contains massive spoilers.

Detroit: Become Human Connor Endings

A good ending for Connor has him sympathizing with Deviants and choosing to become one himself. He also has to free the androids at Cyberlife Tower by beating the security team there. After the androids get their independence, he must thwart Cyberlife’s hacking attempt.

However, Connor can choose to remain loyal to Cyberlife and refuse to sympathize with Deviants. If Connor does not form a bond of trust with Hank, Hank will commit suicide. He also must take on Markus and kill him in Battle for Detroit. After Connor completes his mission, he will learn after the credits that he is getting decommissioned and replaced with a newer model. During gameplay, Connor can also get killed during multiple situations.

Detroit: Become Human Kara Endings

Kara’s best ending occurs when she succeeds in protecting Alice and recruits Luther to her cause. This will allow the three of them to make it through the border without anyone dying. If Kara does not have Luther with her when she tries to get through the security checkpoint, though, Alice will die, and Kara will enter Canada on her own.

The sadder ending will happen if Kara and Alice get captured and sent to the recall camp during Battle for Detroit. Alice will have the option to leave Alice there and escape. However, if Markus doesn’t free the androids there, they will all get decommissioned. Kara and Alice can also die throughout several other parts of the game. Luther can also die by sacrificing himself to save Kara and Alice during Battle for Detroit.

Detroit: Become Human Markus Endings

Markus gets a suitable ending when he survives to the end of the game. If he chooses to lead a peaceful movement, he will gain the sympathy of the public, which will result in the androids’ liberation. However, he can also choose to lead a violent android uprising, which will ignore public opinion and give androids their freedom regardless.

There are several points in the story where Markus can get killed, including during Battle for Detroit at the hand of Connor.

Detroit: Become Human Best Overall Ending

The best possible ending is the one where Markus leads a non-violent resistance, Kara and Alice escape to Canada and Connor leaves his mission to join the revolution. To reach this conclusion, Markus, Kara and Connor must survive every chapter. Connor must gain the sympathy of the Deviants, which includes not killing the Tracis or Chloe. This will help him gain a trusting bond with Hank, who he also needs to rescue every time the latter is in trouble. Connor must also eventually choose to become a Deviant himself.

When giving his speech at the Stratford Tower, Markus must choose every “calm” dialogue option. He must also leave a pacifist message at Capitol Park. At the end of the game, Markus must decide not to execute the officers. The protests during the Freedom March and the Battle for Detroit must be peaceful. Markus must also refuse the deal offered to him by the FBI agent during the Battle for Detroit.

Kara must recruit Luther after she escapes Zlatko Mansion. In Midnight Train, she must not do anything to alert the police. She also has to keep the bus ticket to make it to the Canadian border and avoid capture during the Battle for Detroit.

Detroit: Become Human Worst Overall Ending

For players who like to see their characters suffer, there is also Detroit: Become Human’s worst possible ending. In this ending, not all characters have to survive. Markus must choose the “determined” dialogue choices during his Stratford Tower speech. At Capitol Park, he must decide to lead a violent protest and kill two officers. He chooses to attack the police during the Freedom March, which could result in his death.

Connor must retain his loyalty to Cyberlife and must show no empathy for Deviants by killing both the Tracis and Chloe. He forms a trusting relationship with Lt. Anderson, not Hank. He can do this by not sympathizing with the Deviants and not saving Hank when he’s in trouble. This could eventually lead to Hank committing suicide. Connor should also kill Markus.

With Kara, there are several possibilities to get the worst ending, but she must fail in her mission to protect Alice. If Kara fails to escape Todd’s house, Alice will die. Kara can also fail to escape from Zlatko’s Mansion. Or Kara and Alice will end up at the recall center to get decommissioned.

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Detroit: Become Human is available on PC and PlayStation 4.