
We’ve seen examples of the Siri interface running on prior iPhones and a proof-of-concept video allegedly showing the full Siri port running on iPhone 4. And now, a St. Louis developer @plamoni has figured out how to run a proxy server on his computer to fool Siri into thinking it is talking to Apple’s servers.

The proxy server acts as a middleman that intercepts Siri commands and returns answers. According to the project page, “the idea is to allow for the creation of custom handlers for different actions”. It works by setting up a DNS server on your network to forward requests for guzzoni.apple.com (the Siri servers) to the computer running the proxy.

He used the proxy server to run a custom plug-in that can manage his radio-controlled thermostat via Siri (Tony Fadell should love this). It doesn’t require a jelabroken iPhone since everything is going on off the device. As you can see in the video, Siri responds to commands such as, “What’s the status of the thermostat?”, or “Set the thermostat to 68 degrees”, or even “What’s the inside temperature?”. What’s best, his hack lets any device with a plug-in to be controlled via Siri. A sign of things to come from Apple? Two more videos follow right after the break.

While the Siri proxy server isn’t for the faint-hearted, it’s a valuable proof of concept that should help hackers who are working on port Siri on iPhones prior to iPhone 4S. The Siri proxy server also lets developers add functionality to Siri via custom handlers, something iOS developers are hoping Apple will officially support by releasing a Siri software development kit for third-party applications. Instructions on setting up a Siri proxy server are in the video right below, followed by another amusing clip demoing a plug-in that hooks Siri into an ELIZA computer therapist.

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9gO4L0U59s] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTiLverShyc]

  • Developer creates proxy server to control any device via Siri (9to5mac.com)
  • Siri voice command system ported from iPhone 4S to iPhone 4 (video) (9to5mac.com)