Adam Bell (@b3ll), a well-known developer for many software platforms, has figured out a way to route all notifications from an iOS device through Google Glass. The implementation, even in its early stage, seems to work quite well. Bell notes that all notifications, such as iMessages and Tweets automatically are shown via the Google Glass interface. Video and more details below:

Notably, as also shown in the video, users are able to swipe between old and new notifications via Google Glass. Because opening up iOS Device notifications through Google Glass requires some tweaking of the core of Apple’s mobile operating system, the functionality is currently solely available to those with jailbroken iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches.

Bell says he will upload the tweak to GitHub in the coming days. It will also eventually be released as a fully developed Cydia tweak.

iPhone users with Google Glass can currently use their iPhones to send phone calls to the wearable computer, but not much else is currently possible. Android users are given more connected functionality via the Google Play “MyGlass” app.

Bell, and other iPhone users, hope that Google will eventually open the MyGlass app up for iOS, but until that time comes, this tweak will be a viable solution.