There weren’t too many surprises in yesterday’s event, but there was one big one – and it was one which left developers frustrated. Apple gave just one day’s notice of the official rollout of iOS 14, iPadOS 14 and watchOS 7. This contrasts with the usual week or so developers get to prepare.

Not only did this leave them scrabbling to get updated versions of their apps completed, but some said that Apple’s developer tools were also not ready for the launch …

Many developers like to take advantage of new features as soon as they are available, as that can significantly boost interest in their apps. Others may be forced to update as new OS versions can sometimes cause things to break.

Mashable and TNW each rounded up some tweets from developers frustrated at both the short notice and Apple’s own lack of readiness.

Steve Troughton-Smith:

Which generated a lot of agreement in the replies.

A big WTF at Apple dropping iOS 14 tomorrow without giving developers any notice, or final tools to submit their apps.

A selection of others …

“I don’t get it? They normally give us a week? What are they doing?!”

“Yeah, this caught me by surprise. User experience isn’t going to be great for any apps that /require/ an update.”

“Apple really really really hates developers this year.”

“Now we all know how the FaceTime team must’ve felt when Steve said it was going to be an open standard.”

Check out more over at Mashable and TNW.

Unless you want a lot of your apps to be broken for a while, I do not recommend updating to iOS 14 tomorrow #AppleEvent

— Guilherme Rambo (@_inside) September 15, 2020

will your Xcode GM.xip finish expanding before iOS 14 is available

— Benjamin Mayo (@bzamayo) September 15, 2020

Apple randomly dropping iOS 14 in one day without any prior notice is very on brand with 2020.

— Shihab (JPEGuin) (@JPEGuin) September 15, 2020

Sorry, my iOS 14 features aren’t ready yet.

Since it’ll be a while before most of my customers use iOS 14, I spent the summer prioritizing bug fixes and my family’s pandemic/school logistics (we’re OK, just busy).

Like you all, I’m just doing what I can this year. More soon.

— Overcast (@OvercastFM) September 16, 2020

Tim: oh yea btw iOS 14 drops tomorrow

iOS devs everywhere:

— kamilah taylor (@kamilah) September 15, 2020

the GM is looking solid.

— isky (@isky) September 16, 2020