Dexcom announced today that it’s preparing updates to its two mobile apps that will allow users of its Continuous Glucose Monitor System to track everything straight from Apple Watch. The apps will not only let users view their own glucose information, but also invite others– parents or caregivers for example– to monitor the data from their own Apple Watch.

The Dexcom sensors that will work with Apple Watch, the G4 PLATINUM Glucose Monitor System, requires users to embed a sensor just underneath their skin and attach a small Bluetooth LTE receiver to transmit the data to iOS and the Apple Watch:

Continuous glucose monitoring is considered the most significant breakthrough in diabetes management in the past 40 years1. The traditional standard-of-care for glucose (blood sugar) monitoring has been a finger stick meter. CGM augments the use of glucose meters for the management of diabetes. Meters are still required to calibrate CGMs and for guidance in making therapy and meal decisions. CGM is important because, in addition to providing the glucose level, it provides the direction and rate of glucose change with the push of a button and alerts users when glucose is too low or too high.

The Dexcom apps— Dexcom Follow and Dexcom Share2— will be updated by April 24th with Watch support, just in time for the first shipments of preordered Apple Watches arriving to customers.

You can get more info on purchasing the G4 PLATINUM Continuous Glucose Monitor System — the receiver kit costs around $1000— on Dexcom’s website.