Diablo 4 is an action RPG title developed by Blizzard and slotted to release soon. The announcement for the game was made back at BlizzCon 2019. But they have taken quite a while to release the game. So far, there was nothing about the title, but now we are finally seeing some dev updates from the developers. So for all the people who have been waiting for this upcoming title, this is a piece of good news.

So in this article, we have compiled everything we know about Diablo 4. We will discuss a probable release title and look at all possible platforms to receive the title. So without any further ado, let’s get into it.

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Diablo 4 Release Date: PS4, PS5, Xbox, PC, Switch

Initially, Diablo 4 was slotted to release towards the end of 2022. But recently, Blizzard informed us that we can expect Diablo 4 sometime in 2023. The exact release date is not yet confirmed by the company, though. There are only rumours about it launching towards the end of 2023.

If there is any concrete information about a launch date, we will update it here.

Dungeon riders are waiting for some Diablo 4 beta. There was even a Diablo 4 beta available on Battle.Net launcher beta back in July. But the GM of the Diablo franchise, Mr Rod Fergusson, later clarified that the beta was open only for an internal test. So no alpha or beta testing is going for the public for Diablo 4. But as 2023 is coming closer, there are some expectations from Diablo game fans that a public beta might be available soon. If that happens, we will surely update the information here.

Where will it be available?

Microsoft acquired Blizzard. So the game will be an Xbox exclusive. But the developers are working on making the game available for cross-platform play. So PS5, Xbox Series X, PC and last generation consoles will also get the game. The previous generation consoles will be PS4 and Xbox One. We can be sure about this because the game will launch next year. There is no launch upcoming for any new consoles.

The game won’t be available on the current version of Switch due to its hardware limitations.

So this is all about the release date information of Diablo 4 and where it will be released. If you have any questions or queries about this article, comment below, and we will get back to you. Also, check out our other articles on iPhone tips and tricks, Android tips and tricks, PC tips and tricks, and much more for more helpful information.