$4.5 million might sound like a lot for the purchase of iCloud.com, but what if $4.5m bought Apple a portfolio of cloud-related domain names? See, Xcerion owns nine other cloud/iCloud related names, as pointed out by Elliot Silver, so it makes sense that Apple may have scooped up those names as well. Notably, Xcerion owns (or owned) names like iCloudMusic.com and iCloudApps, in addition to the following domain names:

  • iCloudNews.com
  • iCloudos.com (net and org, too)
  • iCloud.org
  • LiquidCloud.com (net and org, too)
  • iCloudBlog.com
  • LeadCloud.com
  • AlbumCloud.com

Like iCloud.com, Xcerion still is listed as the owner of the above domain names. Apple certainly likes to purchase multiple variations of domain names, so it would not be a surprise if they purchased the whole package.