System Software are designed to control the operation and extend the processing functionalities of a computer system. System software makes the operation of a computer more fast, effective, and secure. Example: Operating system, programming language, Communication software, etc. In this tutorial, you will learn:

What is System Software? What is an Application Software?
Types of System Software
Types of Application Software
Features of Application Software
Features of System Software
System Software vs. Application software

What is an Application Software?

Application Software is a program that does real work for the user. It is mostly created to perform a specific task for a user. Application Software acts as a mediator between the end-user and System Software. It is also known as an application package. This type of software is written using a high-level language like C, Java, VB. Net, etc. It is a user-specific and is designed to meet the requirements of the user. You can also install multiple Application Software on a single System Software. You can store this kind of software on CDs, DVDs, flash derive, or keychain storage devices. Example: Word-processing, Spreadsheet, Database, etc.

Types of System Software

Here are the important types of System Software:

Operating systems:- Operating system software helps you for the effective utilization of all hardware and software components of a computer system. Programming language translators:- Transforms the instructions prepared by developers in a programming language into a form that can be interpreted or compiled and executed by a computer system. Communication Software : – Communication software allows us to transfer data and programs from one computer system to another. Utility programs: – Utility programs are a set of programs that help users in system maintenance tasks, and in performing tasks of routine nature.

Types of Application Software

Here, are some important types of Application Software

Word-processing software:- It makes use of a computer for creating, modifying, viewing, storing, retrieving, and printing documents. Spreadsheet software:- Spreadsheet software is a numeric data-analysis tool that allows you to create a computerized ledger. Database software:- A database software is a collection of related data that is stored and retrieved according to user demand. Graphics software:- It allows computer systems for creating, editing, drawings, graphs, etc. Education software:- Education software allows a computer to be used as a learning and teaching tool. Entertainment software:- This type of app allows a computer to be used as an entertainment tool.

Features of Application Software

An important feature of Application Software:

Perform more specialized tasks like word processing, spreadsheets, email, photo editing, etc. It needs more storage space as it is bigger in size Easy to design and more interactive for the user Generally written in a high-level language

Features of System Software

An important feature of System Software are:

System Software is closer to the system Generally written in a low-level language The system software is difficult to design and understand Fast in speed Less interactive Smaller in size Hard to manipulate

System Software vs. Application software

Here are major differences between System and Application software: