There’s little new information in his latest post, other than he has now published an image which explains how iTunes 8 will look, and how the new Genius recommendation features shall be used. Among other tweaks, iTunes 8 will (apparently) make albums playable simply by hovering the mouse above them. iTunes 8 will also feature a Genius Sidebar, an on/off button for the feature, and will display Genius-recommended playlists in the left-hand menu. Otherwise Rose repeated his previous claims: – New design for iPod nano – iPod price reducitons – Software 2.1 on the iPod touch – New Magnetosphere visualiser in iTunes – iTunes 8.0 We’d like to observe that with so many commentators hyping up tomorrow’s event, some in the media will already be preparing to invective should the launch disappoint. Yet recent activity on the part of Apple PR leads many to hope for the classic Jobs statement on such matters, ‘one more thing’. Will there be one more thing? Speculate in comments, or go play keynote bingo over at Cult of Mac.