Too early to start talking about iPad 3 components?  Yeah, but whatever.  Digitimes says that Apple is certifying display manufacturers which include the normal players: LG and Samsung.

Apple has begun certifying components for iPad 3 and many Taiwan-based makers are actively participating. Some makers have already landed certification such as Radiant Opto-Electronics with LED backlight units, according to industry sources.

Taiwan-based firms think iPad 2 will become the mainstream and Apple will lower its price to compete with other tablet PCs.

  • Coretronic to become LED backlight provider for Apple’s iPad? (
  • DigiTimes: Foxconn affiliate Chimei Innolux to supply Apple with iPad 2 touchscreens beginning June? (
  • Apple part suppliers: iPad 3 not in 2011 pipeline (
  • Chimeni Innolux (Foxconn, really) said to land iPad 2 touchscreen contract (
  • Rumor: Apple courting Samsung to build AMOLED displays for iPad 3? (
  • iPad apps not very intuitive, major study finds (
  • Samsung demands to see the iPhone 4S/5 and the iPad 3 (