Featuring the determined older sister and the annoying little brother, Even Stevens was a popular show during its three seasons on Disney Channel. While Ren and Louis were the series’ main character, their parents, Eileen and Steve, and their older brother, Donnie, was also an integral part of the series. However, the show mostly focused on the lives of Ren and Louis and their relationship to each other. While Ren was always known to be the perfectionist aiming for higher education, Louis tended to be more of a prankster. However, when they teamed up together, that’s when they did their best work.

EASY WAY (8.0)

A charity event sends Ren, Louis, and their classmates to find a charity activity to get involved in to help raise money. Louis’ best friend Twitty decides to shoot free throws for charity while their friend Tawny washes cars. Meanwhile, Ren is in charge of the events, and Louis finds a way to be involved without doing any work. Rather than join his friends, Louis decides to be in a showroom, staying in a smart bed for forty-eight hours. Taking the easy way out is all fun and games until the rest of his family and classmates get invited to Funtasia for their charity participation. Realizing he has been left behind due to his laziness, Louis learns not to take the easy way out again.


Ren’s slumber party doubles as a way for Louis to make money for a new knight suit. Twitty and Beans join Louis in setting up for their secret party by hiding video cameras and audio chords around the living room. Not all goes as planned, though, and eventually, the teenage boys kick Beans out of the basement for being loud and distracting. However, Beans does not appreciate being thrown out of the basement and goes upstairs, ratting out the boys and pointing to the video cameras. Ren and her friends get revenge on Louis by giving him a make-over.


Ren and Louis are often on opposite sides of an argument, but in this episode, they’re on contrary sides even though they both desire the same thing. Louis and Ren both want Twitty’s band to perform at a high school party. When Donnie tells Ren he does not want her attending, she goes behind his back and joins Twitty’s band to audition with them. Louis fights her on it, eventually getting himself kicked out of the group. Ren and Louis make up when they are each insulted by the boy throwing the party, claiming that Ren and Louis are only allowed to slander each other, and no one else can.


After failing many get rich quick schemes, Louis realizes that there may be a secret treasure buried under his house. While he does not get far before his father finds him, Louis had done a lot of research to back up his theory. Together, Louis and Steve go back under the house in search of the treasure. While they do find it, they lose the treasure before they get out. Meanwhile, Ren’s rivalry with her nemesis Larry gets out of hand, forcing them to be stuck together as a way of working out their issues.

REN-GATE (8.1)

When Principal Wexler has had enough of Louis’ actions, he agrees with Louis’ parents to test him with responsibility. Louis is given the task of being a hall monitor, joining Tom, and very quickly becomes obsessed with handing out detention slips. After installing security cameras, Louis is shocked to find perfect, rule-following, Ren to be chewing gum and riding the Wexlervator, an elevator only used for Principal Wexler. Louis calls out Ren in front of Wexler, informing them that he caught Ren breaking the rules. Later, Louis tries to prove it with a tape only to see that it has been changed. Upset, Louis tells Wexler and Ren that if the rules do not apply to everybody, then he will not stay a hall monitor. Ren admits to changing the tape and decides to give up her role as Principal’s Assistant that has allowed her to be above the rules.


Halloween has run rampant on Even Stevens as getting your eyes checked becomes the horrifying event of the day. As more and more people get their eyes checked, they leave wearing sunglasses and drinking milk. In doing so, they also make a point to repeatedly tell others that they need to get their eyes checked too. Louis and Ren remain the two last students in school to keep their eyes after Louis learns that getting their eyes checked also means having them removed. Frantic, Louis and Ren make a run for it. Unfortunately, Louis learns that the scam was Ren’s idea to create multiple versions of herself. Luckily for everyone, this episode was only Louis telling Beans a scary story, even though Louis tries to convince Beans that this did happen on the previous Halloween.


Ren’s student of the semester and perfect grades are threatened when she receives a “C” in Woodshop. Horrified, Ren begs the teacher for a redo. Depressed that she is not the role model that others believed her to be, Ren is unsure of herself and how to proceed, especially after the entire school finds out about her first low grade. However, she is not denied a chance to prove herself as her teacher grants Ren an opportunity to try again. Her new project, a footstool, is good but not great, and after a conversation with Louis, Ren wants to hear the grade she deserves after being thrown a bone for a pity “A.” Learning her real grade is a “B-” she takes it even though it is not as high as she wanted, deciding that being perfect all the time is too exhausting to uphold.


When a shady man appears at Louis’ house asking for Beans, he and Twitty become concerned about where Beans comes from and where he lives. After following him out to Beans’ house, they see him with two giant looking bugs that appear to be his parents. Meanwhile, Ren finds Beans’ homework to be written in symbols rather than words. While Beans explains this all away, the episode ends with him exclaiming to his parents, still looking like giant insects, that his friends had believed a lie. The episode also includes an E.T. reference by having Louis ride a bike with Beans sitting in front of him.


In the series finale, Ren and Louis must tie up loose ends before their family moves to Washington after their mother wins a seat in Congress. While Ren attempts to prepare her friends for her departure, Louis decides to give it one last shot at telling Tawny how he feels about her. Throughout the episode, Ren introduces her friends to the girl she has determined to be her replacement, handing over her concert ticket. Meanwhile, Louis decides to leave Tawny a videotape admitting his feelings for her. However, when the family finds out that they will not be moving, Ren and Louis try to undo their goodbyes. Luckily, Ren saves her friendships, passing on her replacement to two other girls, and Louis and Tawny learn their feelings are mutual.


Although she finds herself sick, Ren Stevens can not help but attend school anyway. However, once she arrives, Ren finds that things are not as they usually are. Rather than speaking, Ren watches as everyone around her bursts into song and dance and even does so herself occasionally. “We Went To The Moon In 1969,” performed by Ren to pass her science project, was the most popular song of the episode and is often remembered by fans. The entire event other than a few select minutes includes musical numbers, and Ren panics after realizing she has received a failing grade. Luckily, it was all just a dream, and although she loses out on the perfect attendance award, the world is still as she remembers it.