For those who do not know, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® is an inventory of 16 personality types. There are different groups of letters—such as ESFJ or INFP—which stand for different traits. While they are not an exact science, they do make up different groups that people relate to, and it can be fun to see which combination of letters we are all most like.

Join us as we combine the excitement of the MBTI® with Disney, as we narrow down the personality types of Disney’s most popular sidekicks from some of the most beloved flicks!

Baloo - ESFP

Baloo, the laid-back bear from The Jungle Book, seems most like an ESFP. He is friendly and accepting, as he likes to keep things peaceful between everyone and chill for himself. His positive attitude makes even tough situations seem not so bad — even seeming fun at times.

Most importantly, though, Baloo is an “exuberant lover”; he loves life. He adores those close to him and, as we know from the song, he loves the bare necessities. It does not take much to make him happy in his life, and this ESFP usually has a smile on his cute furry face!

Doc - INTJ

There are several dwarfs from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and there are many personality types that would work for them, but Doc seems most like an INTJ.

He likes to implement his ideas. He enjoys being in charge as he attempts to keep things organized at home and on the job. He can be skeptical, but that’s because he has high standards for himself, for his fellow sidekicks, and even for Snow White (though she could do no wrong in his eyes or in the eyes of any of the seven dwarfs).

Flounder - ENFJ

Flounder is Ariel’s sidekick — the yellow fish in The Little Mermaid, and he has the characteristics of an ENFJ. Some animal sidekicks are just along for the ride, but Flounder is a true friend. He is warm and empathetic, and he knows what Ariel is feeling and when.

She was not always understood by everyone, but through it all, Flounder is always there for her. He sees the good in people, is always there to help, and plays a big role in making things happen. Yes, for a fish, this little guy is very loyal and loving.

Genie - ENTP>

The Genie is, of course, from Aladdin, and he is an ENTP. Words that can be used to describe this personality are quick, ingenious, stimulating, alert, and outspoken, and those are definitely words that describe this blue character!

Another big thing is that ENTPs are resourceful and full of possibilities, and Genie can make literally anything happen with his magical ways. An ENTP is also bored by routine, and with Genie around, things are always super interesting and exciting. And despite what thoughts are on Will Smith’s version in the live-action remake, the Genie is still his witty and colorful self.

Jaq - ENTJ

Jaq is a main mouse from Cinderella, as well as an ENTJ. As seen from this facial expression, Jaq can be fiesty, but it comes from a loving place. He was not okay with how Cinderella was being treated, and he went to extreme lengths to help her. That being said, his personality helps him assume leadership roles quickly, as he sees where problems are, comes up with solutions, and brings people (or mice) together to make it all happen. While leading, he can come across as forceful, but that’s just because he enjoys sharing his ideas and knowledge with others.

Jiminy Cricket - ESFJ

Next up is Jiminy Cricket, the ESFJ from Pinocchio. The main word in this description is “conscientious,” which is what this cricket is all about!

He serves as a guide, as he works to help those around him find harmony and success. And even when things get hard (like when Pinocchio lost his way), he remains loyal, always follows through, and can see what is needed by those around him. It is Jiminy Cricket’s job to be a conscious, but remember that the ESFJ in him still wants to be appreciated for all he does, too.

Lumière - ENFP

Lumière is the candlestick from Beauty and the Beast, but he is so much more than that. He is an ENFP! He is super enthusiastic and imaginative, while still remaining warm, friendly, and personable. In this movie, he easily made connections and picked up on cues, determining what the Beast was thinking and what happened to Belle. It’s his intuitive nature that makes him an excellent host and a superb friend. While giving out support to everyone in whatever situation arises, he also wants a lot of affirmation from others. And who wouldn’t appreciate his song and dance number?!

Olaf - ESTP

Olaf, the snowman from Frozen, seems most like an ESTP. He has to be flexible since he gets himself into some crazy situations at times — especially since he is a snowman that lives life like a human!

He is bored by theories, as he enjoys playing and being silly and hanging out with his friends. Yes, Olaf is definitely an active character who lives in the moment, and his enthusiasm is contagious. Even in stressful times, he reminds people to focus on the here and now, to be grateful for the little things and to live a little!

Tinker Bell - ISTJ

Tinker Bell, the fairy sidekick in Peter Pan, has traits similar to an ISTJ. She is obviously quiet, can be quite serious, but she’s also very dependable. She stands by her man through it all. Tinker Bell is also very practical, as she thinks logically, dislikes distractions, and works to keep everything straight and in order. She also likes things to be the same, as traditions and loyalty are important to her, which explains why she did not love the idea of Wendy suddenly being around. But she remained responsible and loyal, helping Peter with anything and everything.

White Rabbit - ESTJ

The last one up is an ESTJ, the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. Words that are associated with this personality type and words that also describe this rabbit are realistic, practical and routine. These types quickly move in order to see results, and they systematically follow a plan that they want others to follow, too.

In fact, they may even forcefully implement their plans onto others… and that definitely sounds like the White Rabbit! He had to stick to that time and he did not care what had to be done to not be late.