Wildcats! Get your head in the game! It’s one of Disney Channel’s biggest hits; it launched the careers of several young actors; it’s the High School Musical franchise, and it has been added to with a series! The original movie came out in 2006, and two sequels soon followed in 2007 and 2008.

Since fans fell in love with the storyline, characters, and songs, schools all over the country have been putting on their own versions of High School Musical in their drama programs. That’s precisely what happens to the fictional characters of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series, who go to the original East High where the HSM movies were filmed. The show follows the students through the process of putting together a show, along with handling high school and all that comes with it. The show is currently on Disney+ and is in its first season. If you need a reason to watch, check out these 10 quotes from the first episode:

“Some Things Never Change, Dude. I’ve Been Wearing The Same Socks For Three Days.”

Poor Ricky has come back to school to find out that the “break” he was talking with his girlfriend Nini over the summer has turned into a break up after she met someone else at theater camp, leaving him heartbroken on the first day. “Why, Big Red?” he asks his best friend shortly after he gets the news. “Why do things have to change?” Big Red replies by encouraging his buddy to look at the bright side because somehow Big Red’s lack of clean foot coverage should be comforting to Ricky.

“Is There Somewhere You’re Supposed To Be?” ‘Broadway.’

Carlos, the self-appointed “school’s resident High School Musical historian,” (he’s seen the first movie almost 40 times) is the student choreographer for their school’s HSM production, and nobody is more excited than he is.

The bell rings on the first day of school, and while most students scurry out of the school assembly and off to class, Carlos remains in the gym, practicing his dance moves. A faculty member, Mr. Mazzara, finds him, not approving of Carlos’ clear absence from class. However, the sassy young boy claps back, because obviously, he is a star.

“Hall Passes Are Still A Thing? What Is This, Prison?”

Miss Jenn is the new drama teacher, who describes herself as a director, millennial, and an actress. She is in charge of putting on the school’s drama performance of High School Musical, having been one of the dancers in the original movie, and she’s determined to make this play the best the school has ever seen. Her teaching style is young and hip, and she seemingly does not approve of or understand the need for hall passes when she is told that her assistant will be requiring one due to his tardiness to class.

“We’re The East High Leopards. Always Have Been.”

Mr. Mazzara is the S.T.E.M. teacher who claims to not have a hatred for the arts (he even pays for ad-free Spotify to prove it), but he feels that students should be using their time to practice skills for the real world. He doesn’t seem to be on board for the whole High School Musical craze, and he is also not thrilled that the original movie changed their mascot. “This new drama teacher may live in a Hollywood dream world where we’re the ‘Wildcats,’ but we’re not.” Sorry, Mr. Mazzara, but saying, “What team?! Leopards!” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

“So I Say To My Mom, ‘Looking This Fabulous While Also Fighting Intersectional Feminism IS My Summer Job.’

Kourtney is the strong confident best friend character that we all wish to have. She’s got Nini’s back no matter what, whether it’s through the musical, boyfriend troubles, or even stealing from the mean girl. She’s also bound to change the world one step at a time, so don’t you dare try and stop her! “I’m dismantling the patriarchy this year, and I’m not afraid to start with you.”

She walks with a purpose and stands for the causes she believes in. Her mom is just going to have to accept that there’s not always time for earning extra money.

“Whoa, Who Is The Cute Chorus Cow, And Why Is She Not Playing A Human?”

High school student Nini wants the part of Gabriella in HSM, but she’s not so sure she will get it. She’s been in chorus the past few years, and only just recently had her first lead in a play over the summer at theater camp. Her new boyfriend EJ had the male lead, and he wants to be Troy this time around. While Nini is a little doubtful of her abilities, EJ has believed in her from the start: “I called it. I called it early. Two years ago, Nini played the back end of the cow in Gypsy.” The rest is history.

“The One Person I Go To For Advice Is Currently On Her Honeymoon In The Cafeteria.”

Ricky has not gotten any closer to getting over Nini as lunch approaches. He has since found out that her new beau apparently attends East High along with them. The only thing worse than your ex moving on to someone else is having to watch it all happen right in front of your face. That’s exactly where Ricky finds himself when he sees Nini and EJ together at lunch. Looking to Big Red once again does not have very promising results, as his response to Ricky asking what he should do was just, “I don’t know.” If only Ricky could go to Nini for advice about Nini.

“How Does A Tree Get To Date A Senior?”

A sophomore named Natalie thinks that Nini is a nice girl. After all, last year, Nini was the only person to give Natalie a card on opening night of the school’s production of Brigadoon, of which Natalie was the stage manager. Natalie feels that this was a huge thing for Nini to do, especially since she was “literally playing a tree.”

However, while Natalie thinks that Nini is a sweet girl, she doesn’t quite understand how Nini managed to land a guy like EJ. Maybe all the sycamores were taken.

“Why Do You Know So Much About High School Musical?” ‘They Play It On A Loop At My Allergist’s Office.’

While Ricky’s best friend may not be the best at giving relationship advice, he’s there to support him when Ricky decides that he wants to audition for the school musical as a way to win back Nini. Big Red even tags along to the audition and hands Ricky his guitar when he needs it. If it wasn’t for him, Ricky wouldn’t even know the plot of High School Musical, as BR had to explain it to him the night before. Ricky thought it was just about Zac Efron dancing around with a basketball, but he learns that it’s much more than that. Thank goodness for Big Red’s allergies!

“Make Sure Your Audition Number Is Clearly Visible On Your Clothes. This Is Not A Game.”

Audition day is here, and Carlos is not messing around. Being the student choreographer and Miss Jenn’s assistant, he will be helping her with overseeing the audition process. Students from all over the school have shown up, and they are backstage practicing, gussying up, and preparing themselves to make a good impression. Carlos doesn’t seem concerned with all of that. While making his way through the people backstage, he doesn’t appear as if he’s about to give a motivational rendition of, “We’re All in This Together;” he just wants to make sure that he can note who they are by the digits stuck on their outfits.