There’s a lot to love about Disney Princess movies. Featuring strong female characters, feisty sidekicks, and memorable musical numbers, there’s more than one reason viewers keep coming back for more. That being said, the romance present in Disney’s princess tales is also a huge draw. Because of this, we thought it was time to look at every romantic thing a Disney Prince has done.

There are 12 characters that have officially been entered into the Disney Princess line including Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel, Merida, and Moana. All of these women have “Disney Princes” outside of Merida and Moana, so we’ll be focusing on the biggest romantic gesture each one of them has made. While some of these guys appear in sequel movies and spin-off TV shows, we’ll only be looking at their actions in the original princess films.

With the logistics out of the way, it’s time to get ready for a load of feels; In no particular order, here are the most romantic things every Disney Prince has done.

Florian: Dueted With Snow White

The Prince in Snow White arguably doesn’t do a lot. After all, the story primarily focuses on the titular princess and the seven dwarfs she ends up watching after; Prince Florian (who isn’t even named in the film) appears at the beginning and doesn’t bother showing up again until the very end.

That being said, we can’t help but love the pair’s initial duet. While Snow White is working, she begins to sing “I’m Wishing” and the Prince decides to join along while passing by. Though this startles her, we can’t help but admire his effort.

Prince Charming: Searched For His Mystery Girl

Okay, so it’s kind of lame that Prince Charming had to put a shoe on every single maiden in the kingdom in order to figure out whom he danced with. That being said, we can’t help but admire this level of dedication.

Who knows? Maybe the prince had poor eyesight; Maybe the magic prevented him from recognizing her; Maybe he was just lazy. If we’ve got to pick Charming’s most romantic moment, however, this is it.

Bonus points to Charming for joining Cinderella for an enchanting duet in the castle gardens.

When we first meet Naveen in The Princess and the Frog, he is a lazy player who is used to getting a handout. As he gets to know Tiana better, however, he falls for her spirit and ambition.

In frog form, Naveen tells the firefly Ray that he would happily work two or three jobs if it meant that Tiana could keep her restaurant. His willingness to sacrifice his freedom for her deepest desires is gorgeous.

Later, believing that Tiana would much rather have a restaurant than be with him, Naveen plans to marry Charlotte so that he can get the money his true love needs for her business. If that’s not romantic, what is?

Phillip: Danced With Aurora In The Forest

While Flora and Merryweather are busy arguing over the color of Aurora’s gown in the cottage, Prince Phillip is busy flirting up with the young maiden in the woods.

Sure, it’s great that Phillip risks his life by fighting a fire-breathing dragon in order to get to his betrothed and wake her up with a kiss. But does that compare to their original swoon-worthy dance in the forest? Nope.

Aurora is busy daydreaming about a dance with a stranger when Phillip — upon hearing Aurora’s voice — follows her into the forest. Sure, it’s a little stalkery. But also, it’s a Disney movie; We’re allowed to find their dance romantic.

John: Saved Chief Powhatan

Though contemporary audiences have mixed feelings about 1995’s Pocahontas, that doesn’t the fact that the film’s version of John Smith was a true romantic.

Let’s start with the how John fully cares about Pocahontas and the things she cares about; He’s eager to learn about the world she’s familiar with, even when it isn’t what the English crewmen expect.

Let’s end with how he literally risks his own life, betrays his crew, and gets shot by a bullet in order to save Pocahontas’ father and maintain peace between his people and the tribe. To quote John, “I’d rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you." Swoon.

Shang: Stayed For Dinner

Mulan and Shang definitely aren’t the most romantic Disney couple out there. After all, he was convinced that she was a dude for the majority of Mulan; That doesn’t allow for many sparks to fly.

Despite this, Shang truly cares for Mulan under the alias Ping, even after she reveals herself to be a woman. Once Mulan saves China, Shang is quick to push his dedication to the army behind and go after her, at the advice of the emperor.

Shang shows up to Mulan’s house and presents her father with his helmet. He is then willing to push aside his ego and see where things will head after Mulan’s grandmother invites him for dinner.

Flynn: Took Rapunzel To The Floating Lanterns

Flynn is a major heartthrob for a good reason. In addition to being the dashingly handsome and charming hero of Tangled, he is fully supportive of Rapunzel and her dreams.

Though it was sweet when he guided Rapunzel to the kingdom to give her a fun day featuring a library visit, cupcake eating, and a full-on dance routine, none of that can top the moment he brings her on a canoe in the water to see the floating lanterns. He didn’t have to go the extra mile, and yet he did. He even broke into a stunning duet with Rapunzel after earlier claiming he didn’t sing.

Ha, right, Eugene. You little trickster.

Eric: Takes Ariel Back To The Palace

Though Ariel at first rescues Eric in The Little Mermaid, he gets his chance to be a hero after she ends up washing up on the shore.

He tries to figure out where Ariel came from, genuinely wants to help her out, and takes her into his arms when she trips and falls.

Like Flynn, Eric later takes Ariel on a tour of the kingdom and finishes it all off with a boat ride. That being said, his initial care for her is too sweet to pass by.

Aladdin: Took Jasmine On A Magic Carpet Ride

Aladdin quite literally gave Jasmine “A Whole New World” when he took her on one of the coolest adventures across the sky.

They flew above the street of Agrabah, cruised through Egypt and Greece, and eventually closed out the night by watching fireworks in China. If that’s not the most romantic thing ever, we don’t know what is.

Can you believe this all happened in one night?

Beast: Gave Belle A Library

Any bookworm knows that this is the ultimate way to her heart.

Prince Adam slowly warmed up to Belle over the course of Beauty and the Beast. While it was sweet when the pair had a snowball fight and dreamy when the two danced in the ballroom to “Tale As Old As Time,” nothing can beat the moment Beast gives her a gorgeous library stocked with books across the walls. It was nice of him to pay attention to something she cared about so much and give her an entire room of the castle as a result.