Year 2 of Division 2 is here and Warlords of New York is right around the corner. Warlords of New York is slated to be the start of the year for Division 2. With it comes a slew of different changes and updates that are set to enhance the game and structure of what is currently available.  Some of the changes coming to Year 2 are the new looting system, the level 40 cap, global directives and more. All these changes will mean different things for newer players and veterans alike, although everyone will be affected in similar ways when it comes to skill power being replaced by skill tiers for example.

Division 2 is Ubisoft’s latest game to undergo some major changes with Ghost Recon: Breakpoint changes being implemented slowly but surely as well. With the new changes in Division 2, some of the recent additions to Division 2 was the new Coney Island missions and the new Chameleon exotic assault rifle. The developers have been getting Warlords of New York ready so time for agents to get ready too.

Specializations in Division 2

Getting to level 30 is the first order of business and when hitting level 30, completing the three major strongholds. This will allow the unlocking of the specializations allowing agents to get special weapons such as the TAC-50 and the Crossbow among others. The true power of the specializations is exactly that, they are specialized. Agents can focus on one specialization and work the specialization tree to fit their play style. Some agents prefer the explosive damage of the Demolitionist while others prefer the Sharpshooter one instead. All this to say is having a specialization and fully optimizing the tree will go a long way in making a normal agent into a more powerful one. For Warlords of New York, having at a minimum one or two specializations ready to go will come in handy for any scenario.

Gear in Division 2

  • Level 30, check. World Tier five, check. Gear at or around gear score 500, check. Agents at this point thinking they’re powerful? not quite.

Nowhere in the game is there quite the reality check on gear than the Dark Hours raid. Tons of agents go through the Discovery raid or join a clan for the Normal raid, only to find out that all the work they put in their gear means they’re still underpowered. This is no cause for concern. Quite the opposite, this is a time to be excited as now the end game has begun and it’s all about refining. One of the big changes that need to be understood in Year 2 for Division 2 is that gear talents will only be on the chest piece and the backpack. Focus on having great talents for each of those pieces and work around those. There will no longer be any talent requirements in year 2 but it’s still something to keep in mind to help build around until it does drop. Also, recalibrating won’t have any limit. That means if a gear piece drops that has a very high roll, keep it as the roll can be recalibrated as many times as needed and won’t be lost as long as it’s still in the inventory/stash. Recalibrating gear is going to come in very handy as knowing what is and isn’t a “God roll” is a new game-changer for Division 2.

Mods in Division 2

Not to be outdone by the gear itself at the mod attachments that go on gear pieces. Based on the specialization and weapons chosen will determine the right mods to pick. After going through the Dark Hours raid, it’ll be quite obvious that having high damage is what rules. To get that extra bit of damage or having enough health to deal with Weasel’s poison gas will most likely be through mods. One nice feature that Division 2 came out with over the last few months is the ability to know where certain gear, weapons, and mods can be obtained. Farming these areas is key and the gear mods can be represented by having the gear cog behind a backpack. To know where this gear cog with the backpack is located, open the map and at the bottom of the screen will have the button with the instructions to show targeted loot. Same as with the gear pieces, keep the ones with high rolls as they might be more valuable in Warlords of New York.

Skills in Division 2

Not to be outdone by the gunplay in Division 2 are the skills. The new skill tiers will reign supreme in Warlords of New York. Until then, gear score 3000 is still the maximum and anything higher is a waste of power. A small reminder that skill power only references in unlocking skills and not translated to how much damage is done with a particular skill. Damage with skills is increased with skill mods. Other mods can help with radius, skill haste, and the amount of bombs/seekers/etc. that can be used. Suffice to say that skill mods are good but for now, meeting a certain level of skill power is necessary. Since skill power won’t be present in the new expansion, hold on to those very high rolls even if they can’t be used now as you might be able to later on. Some of the more useful skills have been the Cluster Seeker Mines, the Scanner Pulse, the Reinforcer Chem Launcher, and Reviver Hive to name a few. These will be great to get used to before Warlords of New York as base skills before exploring others.

Clan and Clan Activities in Division 2

Finally, playing Division 2 is always better when teaming up. Clans have the advantage of making missions, farming, looting much easier. Having a group of four or even eight agents tackling a mission or raid makes a world of difference rather than trying to solo a mission. Not only is there more enemies to kill, meaning more loot, it also means chances to share loot if someone has something that has been dropped. The added advantage is the knowledge shared between clan mates where some agents might have tested something or have a build that works great in the raid and other agents want to emulate.

More: The Division 2 is Finally Heading for Coney Island - Here’s Why Players Will Go There

Division 2 is available for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC.