UPDATE 8/30 – In order to coordinate invites for Google Music a little better, I’ve created a new Google Music Donation Post where you can try to get an invite from other readers here at groovyPost.  Have Fun! What about you groovyReaders?  Anyone out there have invites showing up on your account? Steve Krause, aka MrGroove is the founder of groovyPost.com.  Steve has worked in Corporate IT for the past 20 years however in his spare time he enjoys writing for various blogs around the internet. If you want to connect with Steve or just give him a bag full of money, drop an email to Steve@groovyPost.com[/author_info] [/author]

Who needs invites? I wonder if an invite by passes that ? Thanks! Please post your request here https://www.groovypost.com/groovytip/google-music-invite-donation/ so I can keep track of who needs them and who already has them. Please remember to read the 4 rules also so I can keep things organized there. Thanks!