Very few people can claim to have had a year as rough as Doctor Doom’s. Not only was he kicked off the Latverian throne, he was also LITERALLY sent to Hell to do battle with Mephisto, which is always a bad time (as Spider-Man can tell you). To top things off, the brilliant scientist and sorcerer didn’t have access to all of his usual powers. If you’re a member of the Fantastic Four, news of Doom’s de-powering would be the start of a very good day. However, the former king might just be turning over a new leaf.

The new Doctor Doom series has cast one of Marvel’s biggest supervillains as a protagonist, going on a journey of self-discover as well as reclaiming his place as King of Latveria. Doom has gone up against Blue Marvel, Silver Sable, and even Taskmaster, all while finding himself allied with strange bedfellows like Kang the Conqueror.

So far, it’s been one truly epic series and if you love Marvel villains that this book has been a must read. Now it looks like the good doctor is getting ready for his next big challenge. According to Marvel’s May solicits, the country of Symkaria has a big problem on their hands. You can find the official solicitation information and cover below:

  • DOCTOR DOOM #8 CHRISTOPHER CANTWELL (W) SALVADOR LARROCA (A/C) DARK MARVEL VARIANT COVER BY RYAN BROWN After regaining his throne, Doctor Doom presses his advantage and invades Symkaria with the intent to conquer and annex the entire nation. And with the Ultimate Nullifier in hand, he’s able to keep the entire world at bay while he declares total war on the country that tried to overthrow him. Once the dust settles, he realizes he’s humanity’s last hope for preventing an unstable black hole from annihilating all of Earth…

With Doctor Doom back on the throne, one would hope that he’d have learned his lessons from being evil. Unfortunately, Doom doesn’t seem all that eager to totally change just yet. He’s out for revenge and with one of the most powerful weapons in the Marvel universe on his side, he’s going to be more dangerous than ever. It’s not like there are too many heroes around to keep Doom in check either. The Fantastic Four and the Avengers have their hands full with the coming Kree/Skrull invasion and the X-Men making a play for Franklyn Richards.

The other big question that’s raised is the vision Doom had about the future. He genuinely believes that he is going to save humanity, however he’s going about it in the most Doctor Doom-y way possible. The fact that he’s making revenge against those that stole his throne a priority over the black hole that is threatening the planet is very concerning. Writer Christopher Cantwell and artist Salvador Larroca have crafted quite an engaging and entertain supervillain saga, one where you find yourself rooting for somebody who is essentially a super-powered dictator. Whatever the future has in store for Doom, you can bet it’ll be epic. Doctor Doom #8 hits store shelves on May 6th.

More: The X-Men Will Finally Have To Answer To DOCTOR DOOM