When the fifth season of Doctor Who premiered, it marked the beginning of a new era. The next decade of Who would be defined by Steven Moffat’s incredible writing that leaned heavily on fairytale motifs while constantly challenging Doctor Who mythos without ever sacrificing the show’s core values. His era of the show featured complex characters. beautiful growth for each of them, and he began it with a girl in a house much too big for her, named Amelia Pond.

Amy Pond (played by Karen Gillan) was a fiery Scottish woman who struggled with abandonment issues, depression, and commitment. Her journey began with her running away from the biggest commitment of her life (marriage) into a box with a madman and ended with her allowing herself to be cut off forever from the world to grow old with her husband, Rory.

Like Amy herself, her wardrobe evolved throughout her run in Doctor Who. Amy never shied away from miniskirts or dresses, even while running through time and space. She had signature looks, such a golden ‘A’ initial necklace, and a variety of nail polish colors. We’re pretty certain Amy has never worn an outfit she couldn’t pull of, which made narrowing down her best outfits to ten a challenge — but nothing is impossible, so we did it anyway.

The Curse Of The Black Spot

Let’s be honest, the moment the camera panned to Amy Pond dressed like a pirate in hot pink tights, a million new cosplayers were created. After being captured by a crew of pirates, Amy was ready to rescue the Doctor and Rory from certain death. Of course, she had to do so in style.

However, even before Amy dons the pirate coat and hat, her outfit is killer. A fuchsia flannel shirt paired with hot pink tights and a cream-colored cardigan ranks high on our “yes, please!” dream outfits.

The Doctor, The Widow, And The Wardrobe

Although she’s only in the episode for about five minutes, Amy brings all the holiday spirit by wearing the cutest Christmas sweater we’ve ever seen: black and white with snowflakes and reindeer!

This outfit, and the scene itself, is simultaneously super cute and proves to us the growth Amy has gone through. Her home is beautifully decorated for Christmas, and she’s enjoying a quiet night in with her husband (when she’s not threatening carolers). This scene presents us with an Amy Pond so wonderfully relaxed that we love the outfit even more for what it represents.

Time of Angels/Flesh And Stone

This two-parter story was not kind to Amy. It’s probably one of the most traumatizing things to happen to her in her first season. After looking a Weeping Angel in the eyes, Amy is, for lack of a better word, “possessed” by an Angel in her mind. It plays mind games with her, such as making her believe her hand was petrified and, perhaps most cruelly, had her unknowingly count down to her death.

Amy’s style in the episode is the definitive Amy Pond look for us. Few people could take an oversized fire hydrant red hoodie and make it into a stylish outfit by pairing it with a cute skirt, tights, and — our favorite — blue Converse. But it’s Amelia Jessica Pond, so of course, she did.

Vincent And The Doctor

One of the most quietly beautiful episodes in Who history, “Vincent and the Doctor” saw Amy and the Doctor journey to the past to investigate a monster seen in one of Vincent Van Gogh’s work. The episode delicately and respectfully tackles mental health and continues to paint a clearer picture of Amy’s own struggles with it.

Amy’s red-knitted scarf makes several appearances in season five, beginning with “The Vampires of Venice.” Here, she pairs it with a double buttoned blue coat, a combination that beautifully complements each other and gives her an attention-grabbing appearance for the episode. We’d also like to think Amy’s scarf was a subconscious one since she wore it for the first time exploring Venice with Rory.

Dinosaurs On A Spaceship

Amy’s overall style changed drastically between seasons six and seven. She ditched miniskirts, bright tights, and now favored a matured, laid back look. Amy’s style evolution is a beautiful example of visual storytelling all by itself.

As for “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship,” we find Any in a casual pair of jeans and a gorgeous white and blue striped jumper. It’s an outfit that’s cute but keeps a focus on comfort and practicality.

The Angels Take Manhattan

Having rejoined the Doctor in traveling across time and space, “The Angels Take Manhattan” opens with a fairly normal picnic in Central Park for the Doctor and the Ponds. Unfortunately, the peace only lasts so long.

Amy’s clothing choice in this episode is another one of our favorites from season seven. It’s a big departure from Amy’s favoring of primary colors like blues and reds in favor of a more neutral palette. Her outfit feels easily accessible, and the right balance for adventure and comfort that makes us love it.

The Girl Who Waited

“The Girl Who Waited” confronted Amy’s abandonment issues head-on by introducing the concept of a kindness facility for aliens with a plague. The Doctor and Rory are separated from Amy, and it’s soon revealed that the place Amy is trapped in is moving faster through time than the Doctor and Rory, so when they try to rescue her they land 36 years into her future.

Amy’s outfit in this episode is a versatile one that’s integrated into her later armored outfit, but we primarily love it for the lavender polka-dot printed blouse Amy rocks throughout. We’re also a huge fan of her beige jacket, once again proving to us that Amy can make any color combination work.

The God Complex

Season six was a complete deconstruction of the Amy Pond we met in season five and constantly challenged her with her own flaws and fears. “The God Complex” tackled her dangerous faith in the Doctor, in her belief that no matter what, her madman with a box could fix things — and devastatingly, the Doctor and Amy must come to terms that they are different from how they view each other.

We’re choosing this outfit because it has a lot of items from her “Let’s Kill Hitler” outfit — it even follows the same beats — but here it’s done spectacularly better. There are just enough layers to give it a solid silhouette, and her dull orange tights visually complement her tank top.

The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood

Amy may receive a lot of flak for her outfit in this admittedly lackluster two-parter for not being weather appropriate, but we still adore it. It’s incredibly simple and feels like a fun summertime outfit that we the audience could easily emulate with our own wardrobes. The color choices are also extremely gorgeous, with each bouncing off and complementing the other.

The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang

The red scarf returns and it brought gloves! When the Doctor and Amy receive a message from River Song, it leads them to Stonehenge, the end of the universe, a familiar centurion, and one of the greatest cliffhangers in Doctor Who history.

Amy’s outfit feels gloriously adventure-ready while being a perfect style to hit the streets wearing. Black jeans are an accessory all itself, one Amy pairs easily with a lovely leather jacket, a lavender shirt, and some knitted red gloves and her trusty red scarf.