Now that Jodie Whittaker has completed her first season as The Doctor, and established her place as the Thirteenth regeneration, the upcoming 12th season is set to feature a few familiar foes. As much as we’re enjoying Whittaker’s rapport with Bradley Walsh, Tosin Cole and Mandip Gill as Graham, Ryan and Yaz, it’s always interesting when former companions meet new versions of the Timelord.

We’ve enjoyed Whittaker’s performance so much, we want to see her with some of our favorite friends and companions from the newer episodes. The TARDIS is pretty big so we’re sure it can fit the 10 companions we’d like to see return. 


Though we only met Canton Everett Delaware III on one adventure, his time in the TARDIS was memorable. Played by the always entertaining Mark Sheppard, Canton helped The Doctor, Amy, Rory and River fight The Silence during the 1969 trip to the moon.

His older self appeared first, meeting the companions after The Doctor had seemingly died. Then we met the younger ‘60s version, who adjusted very quickly to travelling through time and space. We have to wonder, did The Doctor keep in touch with Canton all those years? We also want to know if Canton ever got to marry the man he loved.


The first time James Corden showed up as The Doctor’s new roommate Craig, he had trouble with Eleven’s special brand of crazy. Of course, once he was drawn into fighting a spaceship’s evil computer, he jumped right in. When The Doctor returned to see Craig in “Closing Time,” they made a hilarious Cybermen fighting duo.

It’s true that a big part of the reason these two were so good together was due to the chemistry between Corden and Matt Smith. However, we feel like Craig’s awkwardness at seeing The Doctor is now a woman, would be too hilarious to pass up.


After the dark turn of the Twelfth Doctor’s story with Clara, he seemed once again excited by travelling the universe, seeing it fresh through Bill’s eyes. Though he and Bill started as teacher and student, they very quickly developed a familial relationship.

When we last saw Bill, she was transformed into a new immortal, water based species by her girlfriend Heather. This means she is still out in space and could call on The Doctor for help, then be surprised to see her new regeneration. As for Nardole, he’s unfazed, jaded, and would barely notice the change. It would be hilariously brilliant.


Silurian detective Madame Vastra, her wife Jenny and their Sontaran friend Strax are three of The Doctor’s most loyal allies. In the past, when he’s been vulnerable and needed protection, they are who he trusts. Though they are based in Victorian London, they frequently find themselves in the TARDIS.

Their non-judgemental place in The Doctor’s life is refreshing for the Timelord. It’s where they can go and not have the weight of the world on their shoulders. Season 11 featured some emotional episodes, so we can imagine The Doctor and her companions taking a break at Paternoster Row.


From the moment she met the Tenth Doctor in “Smith and Jones,” Martha Jones was all in. Like all companions, she eventually realized the toll the life of a time traveler was taking on her and her family. Now that she’s gotten experience with UNIT and working as a freelancer with husband Mickey Smith, she would be an invaluable asset on the TARDIS.

She could come back as the older, wiser companion who gives Graham, Ryan and Yaz a glimpse at a possible future post-Doctor. Plus, that quick look at her life with Mickey has left us eternally curious about the duo’s work as alien hunters.


A UNIT scientist obsessed with The Doctor, Petronella Osgood is actually two characters. A human and a Zygon, though we don’t which is which. Ingrid Oliver brought such a charm and vulnerability to Osgood, that every moment she was on screen, she was fascinating.

We know they’re still working with UNIT, so it would be so easy for them to cross paths with The Doctor. Osgood has a big picture view of Earth, and is uniquely positioned to advocate for humans and aliens, making the character endlessly interesting and always relevant.


Losing Amy and Rory to time, and never being able to see them again, devastated The Doctor in a way we don’t often see. Though they’re not dead, and he knows they’re living happily, it’s still a monumental loss for him.

It’s been established The Doctor can’t go see them because of timelines, but perhaps she can watch from afar while her gang meets them. It’s rare to see companions on an adventure without The Doctor, and this is the pair who can pull it off. 


Let’s be honest, no one would be more excited to find out The Doctor is woman than Captain Jack Harkness. Jack has developed relationships across time and space, so we could meet up with him anyplace, anytime.

The last time we saw him on screen in Torchwood: Miracle Day, things ended on a weird cliffhanger. Jack is such an important person in The Doctor’s long life, we need some sort of closure for him, or perhaps opening to a new part of his story. Not to mention, John Barrowman is still a big Whovian favorite.


Over the years, The Doctor has had a lot of friends, but he’s really only had one best friend. That person who will never leave and has your back no matter what. Donna Noble holds a uniquely special place in The Doctor’s two hearts.

Though our favorite Timelord has to stay away for Donna’s safety, we need to see Catherine Tate and Jodie Whittaker together. We imagine they make a very fun comedic duo. Donna finding out everything that’s happened since she last saw the Tenth Doctor would be fall off the couch funny.  


Though we’ve only seen her with Ten, Eleven and Twelve, it’s pretty clear River Song has been involved with multiple regenerations of The Doctor. As time travelers, they’ve had many off screen adventures together, so there’s no reason why some of those couldn’t have featured River with Thirteen.

Alex Kingston brings a new energy to the TARDIS everytime she steps inside. Her interactions with Graham would be worth the price of admission, but add in the reactions of everyone finding out The Doctor is married, and it would be a can’t miss story.