The long-running British sci-fi show Doctor Who has been introducing us to unforgettable characters and aliens since 1963, and the reboot helped ease younger viewers into a whole new series of adventures. The 9th Doctor had one season in 2005, and David Tennant took over the role as the hugely popular 10th Doctor. He got three seasons, among other appearances.

Pop media juggernauts like Doctor Who are ripe for cosplaying, and many fans of the franchise are showing off their finest costumes and poses online, as seen on Instagram. So, here are ten cosplayers who really brought the 10th Doctor to life. David Tennant’s time in the role may be over, but the fans will never forget.

Back to the Who

The 10th Doctor was a fun-loving and quirky guy, so why not start off with a crossover cosplay for Doctor Who and Back to the Future? We bet the Doctor himself would approve! Here, we get an action-packed shot of the 10th himself driving the famed time-travel car.

The cosplayers didn’t do anything halfway, did they? The sense of speed and colorful sci-fi special effects are thrilling, and @scarcrow_sutton looks just like the 10th, in the blue suit. It’s all Jack Harkness (aka @olly.vander) can do to hang on!

Here’s here, with three hands

The 10th Doctor’s first major story was a Christmas special, and during a battle against invading aliens, his hand was sliced right off. But don’t worry ⁠— regeneration energy restored his hand, and the spare was contained in a tank. And yes, it became a MacGuffin later.

@Lonelygodcosplay went for a classic image of the Doctor, looking curious as he swings open the TARDIS’ door to explore a new world. And there’s the hand, just in case the Doctor needs it. It looks so real!

The weight of time

While the 10th Doctor is a goofy and fun-loving Time Lord, he has seen and done many things that no one should have to experience. The weight of all that time must weigh on him a great deal, and @oscartkennedy shows us the 10th’s darker side.

What is he thinking about? Maybe abandoning Rose on that Norwegian beach, or agonizing over the villainy of the Master? The 10th has it rough, let us tell you that.

Time’s almost up

The 10th Doctor was a huge hit, but when we reach The End of Time, the 10th is nearly gone. We knew this was coming, but it’s tough to say goodbye, especially on that cold London street at night as the snow fell.

The Ood saluted the 10th Doctor as a hero, though, and @scarecrow_sutton shows us these final tragic moments before the 10th is gone. At least that nice coat keeps him warm.

Who are you?

Now this is a face that the Doctor has made more than once, and in different regenerations. Although he’s traveled far and seen much, the 10th Doctor hasn’t explored every corner of the universe yet, and his sense of curiosity and wonder has never been dampened.

@Corin.cosplay here did a fine job, showing how the Doctor typically reacts when something totally unexpected drops into his lap. Does he see a mysterious person laying on the floor, or perhaps an alien egg…or something even weirder?

I swear I’m not blinking

Don’t take your eyes off that statue! In the 10th Doctor’s second season, we met one of his most fearsome and creative villains yet: the Weeping Angels. They look like angel statues that cover their faces…until you look away or the lights go out.

That’s when the angels attack and devour your future. This 10th Doctor cosplayer, @cosplaycraziness are in the holiday spirit, but if he’s not careful, the season’s greetings are going to get cut short. He’s going to need that sonic screwdriver…

Lady 10th

Actress Jodie Whittaker made Doctor Who history with her 13th Doctor, but in the world of cosplay, it’s standard fare for ladies to dress up as male characters and add little creative twists. It’s especially popular in anime cosplay, but it works for Doctor Who, too.

This lady 10th Doctor, @dyketor_whocosplay, has all the details down, from her extended sonic screwdriver to her top button being casually undone to her bright and curious expression. We just love that grin; did this 10th Doctor find a new chance for adventure on an otherwise slow day?

Have a holly jolly…

We all know that the Doctor has a rough relationship with this winter holiday, and the 10th Doctor’s first-ever adventure was during this time, as mentioned earlier. Santa, reindeer, and fir trees hide all kinds of danger when you hang out with the Doctor.

Meanwhile, @derpkind checked off all the boxes for a wonderful cosplay, from the high quality clothes to the sonic screwdriver and that playful expression. It’s just so 10th. That fully decorated tree is gorgeous, too.

At last!

The Doctor is a pretty confident and brave guy, but he’s got one insecurity: his lack of red hair. More than once, the Doctor lamented that he’s not had a “ginger” incarnation, and with the blonde 13th Doctor around, it looks like a ginger Doctor is still in the future. Not that we blame the 13th.

But this time, it’s victory for the Doctor’s self-image. @Clauduspervertus gave our favorite Time Lord a break and granted him some wild red hair, and he’s looking pretty satisfied as he checks out the sonic screwdriver’s readings. It must show “You are 100% ginger, Doctor. Happy now?”

What’s in here?

The Doctor will leave no stone unturned, and the 10th and Rose (@10nantcosplay and @dark_aerona) here are diving right into the heart of a mystery. Based on that door and the rough walls, they are in a dungeon, probably in medieval times.

It’s just like the 10th and Rose to peek into a room in tandem, and we can already imagine funny music from the show to complete this scene. What did they walk in on? Something totally nuts, we’ll bet.