BBC’s Doctor Who is a long-running sci-fi adventure story about a time-traveling humanoid alien calling himself the Doctor. He wanders space and time to explore new worlds and meet new people, and of course, save the universe from the forces of evil! He’s gone through many incarnations (with the current one being a she), and one of the most popular is the 11th Doctor.

Played by Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor carried over some of the 10th Doctor’s eccentric trait but also put his own spin on the character. Though he looks young, the 11th Doctor dresses like an Oxford professor and is much more world-weary than he looks. He’s also got a penchant for fezes and bow ties, and he’s made many friends on his adventures. So, here are ten dedicated cosplayers who truly brought the 11th Doctor to life.

Old and new

In a manner of speaking, the Doctor is never truly alone. He has the memory and spirit of his previous incarnations to refer to, and sometimes, they even cross paths! Several Doctor Who movies and episodes feature multiple Doctors, with some having as many as four.

Here, this dedicated cosplayer not only suited up in the 11th Doctor’s classy final outfit, but he also brought some glasses (10th Doctor style) and took a shot with the one and only David Bradley. Ultimately, all Doctors owe it to the 1st Doctor for launching the whole character.

Come aboard

Amy Pond, Rory Williams, and Clara Oswald are the 11th Doctor’s three main companions, and at some point or other, we bet they all saw a scene like this! It’s a classic shot of the Doctor promising a wonderful adventure out of the blue.

This cosplayer has an excellent TARDIS prop, and that strong lighting inside alludes to this machine’s incredible power and the Doctor’s own optimistic spirit and strength. And who wouldn’t love that cocky, confident Doctor pose? It’s time to explore the universe already!

That dreaded season

Do you enjoy Christmas or the winter holiday season as a whole? Geat! But the Doctor sure doesn’t, and ever since the 10th Doctor first arrived, Christmas has proven to be a real battleground every year. Not even the wily 11th Doctor could break this cycle.

Now we get a pair of expert cosplayers who brought both the 11th Doctor and River Song to life, and they have a sort of “wish us luck” look on their faces as Christmas looms. Will it be killer robot angels, space spiders, or something even more deadly this year?

Freshly regenerated

Our next cosplayer is a resourceful one, who referred to the 11th Doctor’s first-ever appearance for a costume idea. The 10th Doctor reluctantly regenerated during the conclusion of The End of Time, and he crashed right into Amy Pond’s backyard one fateful night.

The 11th Doctor needed time to get his bearings, and the 10th Doctor’s old outfit was starting to fall apart (not to mention the sonic screwdriver). This cosplayer brings us not only the 11th Doctor’s worn-out 10th Doctor outfit but also the apple that helped him prove his time-travel prowess to Amy.

The adventure continues

In the production order of the show, it is the 10th Doctor who first meets River Song, but she later became an even more prominent ally of the 11th Doctor, though not quite a full-time companion. She was a big help during the Day of the Moon events, for example.

These two cosplayers have some razor-sharp outfits on to re-enact the characters, and better yet, they are posed just right to make this feel like a real Doctor Who scene. What sort of pickle did they get themselves into this time?


What’s this? How did the Doctor end up with Cyberman technology? Aren’t they enemies?! Well, during the episode Nightmare in Silver, the Doctor and a few companions face off against the reborn Cybermen, and it’s no easy job to take them down.

In fact, the Doctor faces off against a cyber-ized version of himself, and his implants are pressuring him to bend to the Cyberman way of life. Is the Doctor’s will strong enough to prevail? We’ve gotta say, this cosplayer’s prop looks realistic enough to be a prop!

Lady 11th

The Doctor did not become a woman until the 13th Doctor came along, but cosplayers love gender-swap cosplays like this one, and it turned out great. Her stern expression makes for an amusing contrast with the cheery background, for sure.

Her costume is well made from head to toe, and like some other cosplayers on this list, she opted for the 11th Doctor’s final outfit. Fans seem to love that one; is it because of the stylish gold chain and the dark purple jacket? Maybe!

Worst of enemies

If you thought the Doctor and the Cybermen were bitter foes, wait until the Daleks come along! Their hate-fueled genocidal campaigns are the ultimate insult to the Doctor’s values and way of life, and there is no negotiation or peace where these things are concerned.

But this 11th Doctor cosplayer (also in the final outfit) strikes a dramatic pose alongside this excellent Dalek replica, and we’re loving the richly realized colors and the harsh glow of the sonic screwdriver. The Doctor means business!

Bad sweaters are cool

The 11th Doctor is a sharp dresser, and he sets a new standard for interstellar men’s fashion. But he’s not above some wardrobe faux pas, too, and this time, a cosplayer brings us the famed Ugly Christmas Sweater!

But the 11th Doctor is too confident to be embarrassed, so more power to him. He’s packing a fez and that famed sonic, too, and it looks like he’s ready to get down to work. Beside him is an equally confident Clara Oswald who’s ready for the worst!

I haven’t read this one before

The 11th Doctor is a curious mix of old and new: professor-style clothes and musty old books, combined with youthful vigor and a love of machines. We can’t help but love him for that, and today, a cosplayer shows us the Doctor’s low-tech side.

The Time Lords are the most advanced race to ever live, but even they can appreciate a good book sometimes, and this cosplayer did a fine job showing us an 11th Doctor who’s halfway through a good read. He might tear out the last page, though.