Doctor Who was originally conceived as a show that would teach children about history. While the show does delve into futuristic stories about aliens, parallel worlds, and the end of times, it does still hold true to its original foundation of historical stories for children. Some of the most memorable episodes of recent years have included historical figures, such as Vincent and the Doctor, Rosa, and the Girl in the Fireplace. 

Despite the inclusion of historical figures in Doctor Who, there will always be some famous people of the past that we want to see appear on the show.

This article will list 10 historical figures we want to see on Doctor Who.

Stan Lee

Stan Lee is one of the most important cultural figures of both the 20th and 21st Centuries, with the former comic book writer helping to create some of the most memorable characters of all time, including Iron Man, the Hulk, and Spider-Man. A Doctor Who story with Stan Lee would be a marvel to watch, taking us back to the golden age of Marvel in the 60s.

Not only would this episode feature Stan the Man, but it would also introduce us to some of the others working at Marvel during this time, including Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko.

Franklin D Roosevelt

Franklin Delano Roosevelt is one of the most important US Presidents of all time. Not only did FDR help lead the US out of the Great Depression, but he also led the US during the attack on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent entry of the United States into World War Two.

We’ve already seen Doctor Who introduce WW2 leaders such as Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler, so it would make sense to have the Doctor meet another WW2 leader.

Joan Of Arc

Joan of Arc was a French heroine and Roman Catholic Saint who lived during the Hundred Years’ War between France and England, helping to inspire the French army and people to several victories. The most notable of which came after Joan was sent to the Siege of Orléans, with the siege being lifted only 9 days after her arrival.

Joan of Arc would make an interesting person in a Doctor Who story because she is said to have received visions from the archangel Michael, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, and Saint Margaret. Messages from above could prove to be a very interesting Doctor Who story.

Isaac Newton

It is a surprise that Isaac Newton hasn’t appeared in Doctor Who before due to his highly influential career as a scientist. For those who are unaware, Isaac Newton helped formulate the laws of gravity and motion, classical mechanics, and contributed greatly to the field of optics.

Isaac Newton contributed greatly to the modern scientific revolution of the enlightenment and it would be incredibly entertaining to see him interact with the Doctor.

Jane Austen

Jane Austen is one of the most celebrated and popular authors of all time. Austen’s work is most well known for its commentary on the British society of the time and its landed gentry, while also commenting on the life of women at the time and the requirement for women to marry.

Not only is she one of the most important authors of all time, but Jane Austen has also been mentioned several times in the show’s past, meaning it is only a matter of time before Austen makes her appearance in the show.

Charles Darwin

Like Isaac Newton, it is truly shocking that Charles Darwin is yet to appear in Doctor Who. Darwin helped develop the theory of evolution via natural selection, successfully changing how we viewed nature and biology forever, while also dispensing with the prior belief of intelligent design.

Charles Darwin, again, would be a fantastic addition due to his interactions with the Doctor. Perhaps, as Darwin is a noted biologist, we could see Darwin interact with some alien organisms.

William Wallace

William Wallace is a legendary figure in British history. Wallace was a Scottish freedom fighter who helped fight against the English interference, successfully defeating the powerful English army at the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297. Famously, Wallace was captured by the English and brutally hanged, drawn, and quartered.

Wallace is an interesting figure in Scottish and British history, so it would naturally lead to an interesting story should he be given the chance to appear in an episode of the show.

Henry VIII

Henry VIII is one of the most notorious kings in British history. Henry VIII is famous for breaking the Church of England away from the Catholic Church of Rome, largely due to the fact that the Catholic Church would not agree to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. Additionally, Henry VIII is also famous for having six wives, two of whom would be executed.

The reputation of Henry VIII would almost certainly make for a fantastic episode alone, not even counting the potential stories that could be crafted surrounding the infamous king.

J.R.R. Tolkein

J.R.R. Tolkein is one of the greatest authors of all time. The British author not only wrote The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit, but also crafted a deep and intriguing world around the stories, while also developing his own languages for Middle Earth. The impact that Tolkein had on High Fantasy cannot be overstated, Tolkein helped influence the likes of George RR Martin, Robin Hobb, Neil Gaiman, among countless others.

Much like the episode “The Unicorn and the Wasp,” an episode around Tolkein would allow for viewers to gain a deeper understanding of a famous author.


Pericles was an Athenian statesman who served as the leader of Athens during the city-state’s Golden Age, leading the city during the Peloponnesian War against Sparta. Pericles fostered Athenian Democracy and built many of the wonders that still exist in the city today, including the Acropolis.

Not only would it be interesting to explore the character of Pericles on the show, but it would also be interesting to see Ancient Greece in the show. We’ve seen Ancient Rome several times throughout the show, but Ancient Greece has been criminally unexplored.