Out of all the Doctors, few have had as manic a personality as the Eleventh Doctor. Over his run as the time-traveling alien, Matt Smith’s Doctor crossed paths with many characters, most of which found his mania either appalling or endearing.

Whether is attitude was better or worse, he was, without a doubt, one of the most shameless Doctors out there. He would try things, say things, and do things without a single care for how it might embarrass him. What else would you expect from a centuries-old entity in the body of a twenty-something?

His Hungry Intro

From the very start, Matt Smith’s performance as the Time Lord was going to carry energy, unlike anything before it. As the youngest performer ever to carry the role, Smith brought a vitality and electricity from the very beginning.

The sequence in which he first meets the young Amy Pond is a perfect example of how this vibe gave way to a shameless characterization. Eleven not only blasts into this girl’s home but then raids her food, quickly turning hot and cold on his preference of each dish.

Marrying Marilyn Monroe

Matt Smith was, weirdly, the suavest of any Doctor. He had the most romantic interactions than perhaps any Doctor before him, carrying real relationships like that between himself and River Song, as well as one-off flukes like that between himself and Amy.

Perhaps the most ridiculous is his marriage with Marilyn Monroe. Traveling back to nineteen fifties Hollywood for Christmas, The Doctor is looped into this sham marriage. Why he doesn’t just decline is anyone’s guess, but eleven has the gall to marry the most iconic Hollywood actress of all time.

Wedding Dance

While he might have been suave at times, Eleven is most known for his silliness. Throughout his run, he was able to throw off the shackles of adulthood and act like the kid we all wish we could be. The perfect example of this would be at Amy and Rory’s wedding at the end of Series Five.

After appearing in the middle of the reception, Eleven took to the dance floor to show off his “moves”. The ancient timelord let loose and danced like an utter fool, rocking a move titled the Drunk Giraffe.

Teselecta Regeneration

The Doctor is known for his close calls and quick escapes. When faced with utter doom and death, few other characters are able to find a way out of it better than The Doctor. But, when destiny and fixed points are involved, the Doctor usually holds to it.

Not this time though, as the Doctor cheated death by teaming up with the Teselecta. Meeting his death in front of River Song at the lakeside in Utah, the Doctor cheated death, and technically went against the rules of time.

Pretending To Express His Love For Craig

Once again, Eleven often was accused of being a bit of a loverboy, even if it wasn’t his intention. Through miscommunication and lost innuendo, the Eleventh Doctor often got himself into awkward romantic situations.

The most shameless of all though was when he pretended to come on to Craig in the episode Closing Time. The worst part of it all was that Craig was obviously kind of into it, and a little disappointed it was all a trick. It was an all-around, awkward moment. Not to mention, one which showed little embarrassment on Eleven’s part.

Playing Football

For all his romantic interludes, Eleven was still quite clumsy. His thin frame and awkward mannerisms made him out to come across as anything but the athletic type. So when he came out to play a bit of football with Craig and his friends, it was quite a surprise to see how good he was.

Running out still wearing his tweed, The Doctor actually killed it on the football pitch. The best part of it all was that this wasn’t the Doctor trying to hustle anyone, he went in earnestly like he always does.

Birthday Cake Surprise

The tension between Amy, Rory, and The Doctor was immediate from their first meeting. Amy almost never seemed fully happy with Rory until later seasons, and the presence of The Doctor certainly only fueled that.

The worst part of it all was the fact that The Doctor was so oblivious to it all. A moment that perfectly encapsulates this shameless disinterest was when The Doctor jumped out of Rory’s Stag Night cake at the pub, only to say that his fiance came onto him.

Bald Doctor

The Doctor is often far more vain than he’ll let on. He is usually easily embarrassed when someone points out his physical features, and he is often preoccupied with his clothing choice with every regeneration.

So, the fact that the Doctor got so bored that he shaved his head is pretty ridiculous. Everyone gets bored, and with The Doctor being as old as he is, it is a wonder that he didn’t have enough patience not to do this.

The Doctor Being Too Cheeky

This interaction and trend between The Doctor and Clara is, in all honesty, borderline creepy. Throughout their short tenure together, The Doctor constantly evaded any sign of romantic interest between himself and Clara.

Yet, often, even during a Christmas Special, The Doctor had the tendency to slap Clara’s bum when passing by. It is a weird and uncomfortable mannerism that doesn’t fit with the character at all. Luckily, this being his last episode, we wouldn’t see a handsy Doctor again.

Naked Doctor

Speaking of awkward moments in his final Christmas Special, none was more so than The Doctor appearing buck naked in front of Clara. While he eventually wore his holographic clothing when visiting the Church, he forgot to do so when his companion entered The TARDIS.

When it comes to unexpected public nudity, it requires an individual to be absent of all embarrassment or shame. Out of all the ridiculous moments that this iteration of the Character committed, this is by far the most shameless.