Over the 12 years, we have seen many companions come and go on Doctor Who. However, can you think of a reason why your favorite companion is your favorite? It does depend on personal opinion really as each character has their own traits that are relatable - some fans loving the clever partnerships and others preferring the more light-hearted and comedic pairings.

But if you had to think about it, which companion would be the most intelligent? From the lovable Donna Noble to the memorable Sarah-Jane Smith, here are the top 10 companions ranked by intelligence.

Donna Noble

Out of all the companions, Donna Noble has proven to have the purest heart. However, she has often been seen to object against any compliments because she doesn’t believe herself to be good enough - one of her biggest insecurities being over her intelligence.

It’s not like Donna completely lacks intelligence, as she has stated that she learned the Dewey Decimal System within two days of working at a library. It’s more to do with the fact that people know how gullible she is and take advantage of her naivete - an example being her ex Lance Bennett. At least near the end of her time, she proved why she was the most important person in the universe.

Rose Tyler

Rose has proven to be one of the fans’ favorite companion, but was she the most intelligent? Afraid to say it, but she had a lot of competition in that department. When Rose was first introduced to the show, she was unhappy in her work as a shop assistant. She has said that she would have changed jobs but her lack of qualifications stopped her from doing so.

Although Rose proved to be not academically inclined, her strengths came from other aspects. She was a handy companion to have as she was athletic, observational and could adapt well under pressure. Rose remains one of the bravest heroines on the show to date.

Amy Pond

The Girl Who Waited was another exceptional companion of Eleven. From a very young age, Amy had an inquisitive mind and was more intrigued than scared by the “mad man falling out of the sky with his box”. Like all the other companions, Amy was quick to show her intelligence - only this time she used it to outwit her enemies.

For instance, Amy was the first to conquer a Weeping Angel by herself when she realized she could kill the statue by pausing on the blip. She also proved to be more intelligent than the Doctor sometimes - disarming the bomb on Edward Bracewell when Eleven couldn’t and saved two species from extinction (“The Beast Below”).

Bill Potts

When Bill Potts was first introduced to the show, she was seen to be working as a canteen assistant in the university the Doctor was teaching in. However, Bill soon became a student after Twelve noticed she took an interest in his lectures and decided to become her tutor.

Arguably, Bill is one of the most relatable companions as she takes the time to question the Doctor’s motives. She also manages to raise awareness to issues that no one else would have thought about - helping Twelve to tackle an alien threat in unconventional ways. It’s just a shame that we only got one season with her.

Rory Williams

Let’s be honest, Rory was one of the clumsiest and careless people fans have ever met. Over the three years, Rory proved to himself to be a liability, getting himself killed six times whilst he was traveling with Eleven and Amy. Although it was not explored as much, Rory did prove to be an asset for the Doctor.

For instance, Rory has an acquired knowledge involving medicine and biology as he was a trained nurse. He was also seen to be a quick learner, learning to ride a motorcycle and adapting quickly to the theory of time travel. It’s just a shame that the writers didn’t explore his character away from Amy as he will only be remembered for being her loyal husband.

Captain Jack Harkness

When Captain Jack Harkness was first introduced to the show, he was seen to be a con man and time agent. Arriving from the year 5094, Jack was seen to be skilled in technology and well-equipped in facing his enemies. Jack also had an acquired knowledge of the future, which enabled him to become the leader of Torchwood.

Over the years, there has been a theory that Jack and The Face of Boe are the same people. If this is true then Jack would be one of the most intelligent individuals in the entire universe, with many creatures crossing the universe to seek the humanoid’s advice.

Sarah Jane Smith

Sarah Jane Smith had quite a history with the Doctor and has probably got the most experience when it comes to dealing with alien matters. Known to be one of the best journalists in Britain, Sarah-Jane’s passion for investigation helped to uncover crimes and alien threats, such as the Krillitanes’ invasion in “School Reunion”.

Whilst the Doctor is traveling, Sarah Jane is known to be another protector of the Earth, accruing her own set of companions that helped with her adventures. During this time, Sarah-Jane proved she was skillful with technology as she created the super-computer “Mr-Smith” - who had access to information even UNIT didn’t have.

Clara Oswald

The Impossible Girl proved to be one of the Doctor’s most intelligent companions. When Clara was first introduced to the show, fans knew that she was a talented hacker after they got a sliver of her personality through Oswin and Clara Oswin Oswald. It was explained that she maintained some of these skills after being uploaded by a Spoonhead.

The English teacher was also an excellent strategist, with her analytical skills helping her evade capture against the Cybermen and The Snowmen. Bonus points have to be awarded to Clara, who was the most rational companion - following Eleven and Twelve’s orders (albeit reluctant sometimes).

River Song

Fans are probably wondering why River Song hasn’t taken the top spot when she is one of the most intelligent women The Doctor has ever come across. After all, she did become an archaeologist, managing to graduate top of her class even though she hardly attended classes.

Although River proved to be a strong ally for the Doctor, there is a bit of cheating when you realize how she gained some of her knowledge. Let’s remember that River and the Doctor were going in opposite directions on the timeline - The Doctor’s future was her past (and vice versa). She already knew how The Doctor’s life panned out and used this to her advantage.

Martha Jones

The title of the most intelligent companion has to go to Martha Jones. When fans were first introduced to the character, she was in the middle of her residency, working at Royal Hope Hospital. Martha’s profession proved to be a key asset whilst traveling with the Doctor, her scientific knowledge and ability to work under pressure making her well equipped for the adventures.

Martha eventually took a job at UNIT, her time there proving beneficial. For instance, by “Journey’s End” she was seen to speak fluent German. You have to also give bonus points to Martha for having the common sense to walk away from the Doctor when the adventures got too much. The smartest decision anyone has ever made.