The Doctor is one of the most iconic sci-fi characters of all time. The time-traveling alien has been on our screens for over 50 years and held 13 different identities and faces, that we’re aware of anyway. While the Doctor’s personality has always shifted between regenerations, one thing has stayed fairly consistent throughout the incarnations - the Doctor’s intelligence. The Doctor is always known as a genius character and often defeats enemies with their mind, rather than through brawn or violence.

This article will set forth the difficult task of ranking each Doctor on intelligence.

Eighth Doctor

The Eighth Doctor’s first and only appearance (not counting cameos) was in the 1990s TV movie. This film was an attempt to increase the popularity of the show in the United States and help bring the show back on a full-time basis. Unfortunately, it did not do very well, so it was also the only time we really saw Paul McGann as Eight.

His placement on this list is solely due to his limited appearance on screen as the Doctor.

First Doctor

Perhaps it is unfair to place the First Doctor so low on this list. Played by the legendary William Hartnell (and Richard Hurndall and David Bradley), the character helped to launch the series into what it is today. It was the popularity of the show, and Hartnell’s struggle to play the character at his age, that led to the introduction of regeneration.

While the First Doctor never got to show the full extent of his intelligence, it was clear that he was incredibly intelligent as, during the 3 Doctors special, the Second and Third incarnations respected him instantly.

Sixth Doctor

There is no denying that the Sixth Doctor is the most unpopular incarnation of the usually popular and loveable Time Lord. Firstly, his choice of outfit was the equivalent of fashion vomit and even Colin Baker despised it. Secondly, one of the first things the Doctor did after regenerating was to attack his companion, something very un-Doctor like.

Again, much like the First Doctor, Colin Baker wasn’t given much time to show his intelligence. Perhaps this was due to the theory among the Doctor Who fandom that the Colin Baker era was the start of the show’s descent.

Ninth Doctor

Another Doctor who we, sadly, did not see enough of. Christopher Eccleston’s incredible portrayal as the Ninth Doctor helped bring the show back to dizzying heights of popularity in the mid-2000s.

This Doctor was far more physical than his previous incarnations, perhaps as a hangover from the Time War, and was more than willing to engage in physical confrontations.

War Doctor

The War Doctor was a surprise addition to the 50th Anniversary Special of Doctor Who. While he was originally young, the Time War aged the Doctor and he became the battle-weary, old man that we see in the Anniversary Special.

This Doctor had a clear understanding of battle tactics from his experience fighting in the Time War and was able to exert authority over others fairly quickly.

Fourth Doctor

One of the most popular incarnations of all time, Tom Baker’s run as the Fourth Doctor defined an era and still remains the longest length of time that an actor has portrayed the Doctor.

While this incarnation is undoubtedly clever, he was far more adept at using physical means of victory. He was a master swordsman and incredibly accurate with weaponry such as crossbows and darts.

Second Doctor

While the Second incarnation of the Doctor was often seen as a childish and whimsical character, he was also fairly cunning and scheming. River Song even once said that she wouldn’t trust the Second Doctor as far as she could throw him. While he was still a morally good character, he was Utilitarian in his morality and consequently would sacrifice lives if necessary.

This Doctor was highly skilled in diplomacy and convincing people to take his side in any conflict. This is, without doubt, a useful skill and certainly a sign of his intelligence.

Thirteenth Doctor

This is an unfair placement on the list, but her position is solely because she has only had one season so far. Due to that, we haven’t truly seen the extent of her intelligence yet.

Perhaps the most memorable moment so far, with regards to intelligence, was when the Doctor built her own sonic screwdriver in a Sheffield factory.

Fifth Doctor

The Fifth Doctor was one of the most popular incarnations of all time. Portrayed by Peter Davison, the actor had a very difficult task in taking over from the incredibly popular and iconic Tom Baker.

This Doctor was far more human and emotional than his prior incarnation and was centered around his own sense of honor. As a result, this Doctor was often hesitant to make difficult decisions that often led him to make mistakes.

Seventh Doctor

The Seventh Incarnation initially appeared to be a whacky and eccentric individual. However, this simply concealed how cunning he was as a character.

Much like the Second Doctor, the Seventh Doctor was able to manipulate people into agreeing with him and was usually able to take control of matters and lead groups. This is a sign of great intelligence.

Eleventh Doctor

The Eleventh incarnation had the difficult job of taking over from the incredibly popular Tenth Doctor, with many considering David Tennant’s portrayal to be the best Doctor. However, Matt Smith excelled in his role and helped lead Doctor Who into a greater period of global popularity.

This Doctor was adept at strategy. He was able to win the Battle of Demon’s Run incredibly quickly and also defeated many enemies during the Siege of Trenzalore.

Twelfth Doctor

The Twelfth Doctor marked a huge difference in terms of personality from his prior incarnation. While Eleven was eccentric and strange, Twelve was stern and serious. Despite this serious nature, he was still kind and warm to his companions.

This Doctor was almost Sherlockian in his observations, being able to deduce information about people from a simple glance. He was also cunning and able to take advantage of environmental factors, and even character deaths, to escape from situations.

Third Doctor

The Third Doctor spent most of his time on Earth as he was exiled by the Time Lords. During his time on Earth, the Doctor worked closely with UNIT, working as their Scientific Advisor.

This Doctor was far more gadget orientated and was often seen tinkering with technology, even expanding his knowledge of the TARDIS during this incarnation. Aside from technology, this Doctor was also a master martial artist and a skilled diplomat.

Tenth Doctor

David Tennant’s time as the Tenth Doctor is one of the most popular of all time, serving as many new fans’ first Doctor. The Tenth Doctor was an exceptional problem solver and was able to quickly find solutions to apparently hopeless situations.

Furthermore, the Doctor was also a marvelous detective and was able to quickly unravel mysteries, as seen in the “Army of Ghosts” and the “Unicorn and the Wasp.” Finally, he also had an emotional intelligence that allowed the Doctor to gain people’s trust very quickly, a fantastic skill to have.