The Eleventh Doctor is the Time Lord’s youngest looking incarnation to date, and Matt Smith portrayed him brilliantly. It was no easy task following in the immensely popular Tenth Doctor’s footsteps but fans grew to love the Eleventh Doctor for his childish sense of fun and boundless enthusiasm for adventure.

The Eleventh Doctor was essentially a wise man hiding in a clown’s body. He wasn’t as angry or as righteous as the Tenth Doctor, but every now and then, his facade would slip and viewers would glimpse the warrior he once had been. These are the Eleventh Doctor’s worst moments.

He Tried To Kill A Star Whale

In only his second episode ever, the Eleventh Doctor and Amy visited the Starship UK in the far future. However, their adventure was soon derailed when the Doctor spotted a crying child. It turned out that many criminals and children who failed their school tests were being fed to an unknown creature.

Obviously the Doctor and Amy had to find out what was going on. A Star Whale, the last of its kind, was being tortured by humanity in order for it to pilot their ship. The Doctor was outraged but went to put the Star Whale out of its misery by essentially shocking it into brain death.

He Deactivated The Amy Ganger

In the second two-part serial of Season 6, the Doctor, Amy and Rory arrived at a monastery turned mining factory in the near future. Amy and Rory assumed they had arrived their by accident due to a solar flare but it was later revealed that the Doctor had planned to go there all along.

The Doctor suspected that Amy was a Ganger and wanted to find out how they worked to see if he could block the signal controlling her. The story was surprisingly emotional but the biggest moment came at the end of the second episode when, without much warning, the Doctor reduced Amy’s Ganger to a pile of goo.

He Was Willing To Sacrifice Kahler-Jex

It has been established, especially in the modern series of Doctor Who, that the Doctor needs someone to travel with, else he becomes reckless and dangerous. In the first part of the seventh season, the Doctor travelled intermittently with the Ponds, who began to notice something different about him.

In the third episode of Season 7, the Doctor learned that a small American town was hiding an alien scientist who had experimented on his own kind. One of his experiments was hunting him down and held the town to ransom. The Doctor was all too happy (and angry) to let Jex go to his death.

He Left Amy For 12 Years

Amy and the Eleventh Doctor didn’t exactly meet in the traditional way. Amy first encountered the Doctor when she was 7 years old. The Doctor, for his part, had only just regenerated. Together, they investigated the crack in Amelia’s wall, met the Atraxi and were warned about Prisoner Zero.

The Doctor then had to leave to save his TARDIS, promising Amelia that he would be back in 5 minutes. Tragically, the Doctor overshot slightly, arriving not in 5 minutes but 12 years later. During that time, Amelia had grown up with everyone thinking her crazy because of her adventures with her Raggedy Man.

He Set Up Kazran And Abigail

Steven Moffat’s first ever Doctor Who Christmas Special was a brilliant outing for the Doctor and the Ponds. It was bold and exciting, but the ending was tremendously heartbreaking, and what’s more, the Doctor was to blame.

Amy and Rory were trapped on a crashing ship and the only man who could save them was Kazran Sardick, who refused. The Doctor then went back in time to change Kazran’s mind by helping him fall in love with Abigail. Unfortunately, what the Doctor didn’t realize was that Abigail was seriously ill and only had a few days left to live, those of which she had spent with the Doctor and Kazran.

He Left Old Amy To Die

The Eleventh Doctor was so cheerful and fun to be around, that many fans forget how cruel he could be, even if he had no other choice. In the Season 6 episode, “The Girl Who Waited”, Amy got trapped in an alien health care facility, where the medicine, if administered, would kill her instantly.

The Doctor and Rory raced to save her but arrived many years too late and Amy had grown old. Thankfully, Rory and the Doctor managed to bring back their Amy too and the Doctor promised that the two could exist simultaneously. He lied, however, and left without Old Amy, leaving her to the mercy of the medicine.

He Invited His Friends To Watch His Death

The Season 6 premier was a very interesting episode, mainly because the Doctor died in the first 10 minutes or so. However, this Doctor was from the future and soon enough, a younger, very much alive Doctor appeared in his place. The big arc of the season revolved around how the Doctor would escape.

It was an ambitious and bold move for the show but didn’t really have any far reaching repercussions beyond the season. It transpired that the older version of the Doctor sent out the invites to the Ponds and River Song so that he wouldn’t die alone. It was an understandable, if not utterly selfish, thing to do.

He Failed To Recover Amy And Rory’s Baby

If anything, Season 6 suffered from too many overarching storylines. There was the Doctor’s upcoming and recent demise, and then there was the mystery of Amy’s pregnancy. It was revealed that the Amy travelling with the Doctor was a fake and that the real Amy was held captive and massively pregnant.

After Madame Kovarian escaped with Amy and Rory’s daughter, the Doctor promised that he would get her back. He did find her, but only when she was an adult. Thanks to the Doctor’s arrogance, Amy and Rory missed out on bringing up Melody Pond themselves and were deprived of any and all parental experiences.

He Launched An Attack On Demon’s Run

After the Doctor realized that the Amy he was travelling with was a fake, and that the real Amy was giving birth to her and Rory’s baby daughter halfway across the universe, it’s fair to say that he was beyond furious. In fact, he was so mad that he broke his cardinal rule and began to amass an army.

He and Rory infiltrated Demon’s Run, with the help of the Paternoster Gang to be, Dorium Maldovar, Lorna Bucket and hordes of Judoon and Silurians. The Doctor had collected on his debts, which no other incarnation had done before. This was a very dangerous and very cunning Doctor.

He Tried To Destroy Gallifrey

In Doctor Who’s 50th Anniversary special, “The Day Of The Doctor”, the Eleventh Doctor met his predecessor along with the War Doctor, an version of the Doctor so shameful that none of his future selves could look him in the eye. As it turns out, they had a very good reason to be afraid.

The War Doctor was the one who ended the Time War, once and for all, by obliterating Gallifrey. The Doctor never forgot that moment and it was always on his mind. However, after the three Doctors shared a Zygon adventure together, the Eleventh Doctor came to support the War Doctor on his very worst day…