Does Aquaman know The Little Mermaid? Jason Momoa recently answered kids’ questions about the legendary DC superhero, and the international heartthrob answered the questions with his usual charm.

The Aquaman star has been keeping up a steady public profile of late, having seemingly made headlines almost as often for simply being himself as he has for his acting work. Momoa’s latest project, the Apple TV+ series See, has been getting strong reviews for its portrayal of a blind society in a dystopian future, and a recent guest appearance on The Simpsons has kept fans assured that regardless of how many dark, action-packed roles he may take on, Momoa never takes himself too seriously. However, when it comes to lending his time to important real-life causes, the 40-year-old has kept true to his Hawaiian roots by standing alongside indigenous activists as they struggle to prevent the Thirty Meter Telescope from being built on the sacred dormant volcano Manua Kea. His dedication to opposing the project is personal, and he’s previously joked that he’s been run over by a bulldozer at the protests and therefore can’t shoot Aquaman 2. As a certified family man, Momoa has even brought his children to join the ongoing efforts to stop the TMT’s construction.

All of these things only add to the charm that Momoa seems to exude, endearing his legions of fans to him all the more. And while his reputation as a sex symbol grows stronger every day, Momoa has also found a substantial fan base with children, thanks in no small part to his work as Aquaman. In fact, during a recent appearance on The Kelly Clarkson Show, Clarkson brought her own two children, River and Remy, out to meet Momoa. In the brief meet and greet, Momoa helped the kids get to the bottom of pressing issues such as whether or not Aquaman knows The Little Mermaid and where the DC superhero goes to the bathroom. Check out the full video below:

Momoa clearly loves children and seemed downright delighted to have them come on the show to meet him and ask some questions. In response to whether or not he knows The Little Mermaid, Momoa acknowledge that Ariel is indeed very sweet and very nice, before offering a wry grin and telling Clarkson’s 3-year-old son Remy, “She’s also a redhead, so I’m going to teach you about redheads someday – they’re very passionate, very passionate people.” Though both children are huge Momoa fans, Remy was too shy to ask much of a Momoa, leaving River to present the star with a drawing and ask where Aquaman goes to the bathroom. Momoa’s response? “Everywhere!” The entire segment ran just over two minutes in length and will certainly delight Momoa’s many fans.

Of course, as dearly as fans love Momoa, there is sure to be a certain segment of the fanbase that really wants things to get moving on Aquaman 2. The film is still set for a December 2022 release, which is still a long way off. In the interim, there’s a very good chance that Momoa’s fame is only going to increase. Until then, however, his status as one of Hollywood’s most down to earth and all-around nice guys will keep him firmly in the public eye.

Next: The World of See Explained

Source: The Kelly Clarkson Show

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