The recent major update by Apple, the iOS version 14.0, introduces vital changes and new customization features to their devices. Apple’s approach to giving more control to its users over the device’s home screen looks went off pretty well and it’s an ever trending matter all over the internet and all over the world.

Although the new changes that Apple came up with are pretty amazing, there are worldwide concerns that are being raised by the users. One such concern that bothers the iPhone user is whether the custom app icons slow down their iPhone. To get a precise answer to this question, get through our guide on does custom app icons slow down your iPhone in iOS 14?

Does Custom App Icons Slow Down Your iPhone in iOS 14?

The answer to this question is a big damn yes. If you’ve been using custom apps on your iPhone after the big update recently, you might’ve already noticed how they slow down your device. Whenever you click on a custom app shortcut, you’ll find that it opens the Shortcuts app for a second or two and then only launches the actual application. Hopefully, Apple will come up with a fix to the issue we’re facing currently. If you’re looking for a workaround, you might have to take a look at the ideas or suggestions we have for you:

  • Launch apps from the App Library or use iPhone’s Spotlight search to open apps. Opening apps this way will eliminate the need for launching the Shortcuts app first and this will bring back the normal launching speed. This is because of the fact that you’re only opening apps through iPhone’s built-in app icon rather than clicking on the custom ones.
  • Use the App Switcher or Recents tab to switch between the recently opened applications. This way, you don’t have to rely on finding and clicking app icons, and going into different apps will work extremely smoothly.
  • Add dedicated home screen pages for both custom and built-in app icons. This way, you can use the pages of custom app icons to show off and then go into the pages of built-in app icons to open apps whenever you need some speed in launching.

The truth about such a failure from Apple’s end is that they never expected people to go crazy over the new customization features. With it going more viral and trending through every day, the issue should soon catch the eyes of the developers. That said, we hope reading the guide above has brought some valuable information and help to you. Please let us know by commenting down below if you have any further queries regarding the same.

Also, check out our iPhone Tips and Tricks, PC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Tricks if you’ve got queries for it or want help. Thank you!